Robots Projects Sorted By Popular
WoofWhimsy - a Digital Pet Dog
2-Link Gripper Controlled by a DC Motor and IR Sensor
3D Printed Arduino Servo Platform With Robotic Arm
3D Printed Hexapod Robot
Tea Dipper
Robot Hand
3D Printed Strandbeest Walking Robot - WIP
MechaMaven: the Educational Robot Explorer
Carro Seguidor De Luz
6 Axis Robotic Arm With Generative Design and Deep Learning
Painting With Robotic Arm
Bleach Painting With Robotic Arm
Making self Balancing Robot Brain
Remote Controlled Tracked Vehicle With Obstacle Avoidance
DIY Raspberry Pi Pico Robot Controller Board for L0Cost Robots Built on Matrix or Strip Board
DIY Gyroscopic Balancing Robot
Tim's Mechanical Spider Leg [LU9685-20CU]
Lunariem Team's Rover
Seaside Sweeper - DIY Beach Cleaning Robot
Mecanum Drive Robotic Arm Manipulator
DIY Arduino Fire Fighting Robot: Build Your Own Automated Fire Rescue System
Scale Prototipe of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton
Lower Limb Exoskeleton
Lower Body Exoskeleton
DC Motor Position Control With Potentiometer for Robotic Arm
Building a ChatGPT-Powered Robot Assistant (BIA) (part3: Otto the Robot)
Robotic T-Shirt Cannon
MicroFRC Tutorial
TCPL Autonomous Robot Wrestling
Make the Tiniest Line Follower Robot Without a Microcontroller
Build Fully Automated GPT-Arduino Robots With MachinaScript
Programmer Board for a Custom Made ESC
Dodge - ESP32 Cam Based Tripod
Red Robot Ant
DIY WiFi-Controlled Robot Quadwheel : Kapidhwaj 500
CUBOTino Pocket: Optimal Solver Robot for Rubik's Cube 2x2x2
High Powerful Linear Actuator
Stewart Platform
Trashy, Trash Collecting Astro Robot
Scion V1 - Semi Autonomous Bluetooth Controllable Robot With ESP32 and PCA9685 Servo Driver
MicroBit Robot Arm
Creating a Community Controlled Robot Using Discord Chat
Light Following Hardware Robot
Stair Climber
Basic Car Bot With Rotating Headlamps
My Mobile Claw Robot
Controllable Box Robot With Scooper
DEI 20 Robot Building
Simple Driving Robot
Advanced LINEAR ACTUATOR | Version 02
Mechanical Linear Actuator
Warehouse Management Robot
Master Forward Kinematics: Spider Robot Series
DIY Doly - a Companion Robot Powered by Raspberry Pi
Mix Reality Headset With Machine Learning
Agile Eye Solar Tracker
Cooking Assistant
Building a BBC Micro:bit Rover
Build a Transformable Hovercar! | Remote Control! | Part 1 (How To)
Make Simple Robot With 3d Printed Parts That Works | DIY Vibrobot