Wireless Projects Sorted By Winners
In-Helmet Bluetooth Headset (A2DP)
3/4 G Wireless Booster
Controlling Virtual DJ with a Guitar Hero Controller
Simpler Bluetooth Garage Door Opener
How to install a TV antenna or aerial
The 30 second WiFi extender
Communications Training, School Activity, or Youth Game
H.P.W.D.A (High Power Wi-Fi Dish Antenna)
Canine Radio Direction Finder - Part 1
Wireless Power Charger!
Belkin 6 FM Transmitter Antenna modification
Foil based fractal antenna.
Easy to Build WIFI 2.4GHz Yagi Antenna
Protecting yourself from security threats
VHF Scanner Antenna
Solar charged 12V lead battery
Semi-Wireless Headphones
BT2BT (Bluetooth 2 Beetle)
Bluetooth Headset Hack
Remote Desktop Access Using TeamViewer
How to install your wi-fi in less than 4 minutes!
Android-based Vintage Phone
How To Create a Virtual Private Network Using Hamachi
Fast, Cheap, and Easy Wifi Cantenna
Use a DSL with WiFi router as a LAN router
Backpack GPS Tracker
A subtle yet over-kill Wifi Antenna Hack
Upgrade a home router.
DLINK DWL_G650 external antenna addon
Wireless Power Using UMK8
Introducing the Wixel USB Wireless Module
Using a wireless doorbell to turn on a small DC motor.
Extreme WIFI adapter
WRT160N Fan Mod
boost WiFi signal for FREE!
Track your location without using GPS (using LAC and CID)
Two Morse Code AM Transmitters - Updated Jan 2014
Free Energy/ Cellphone detector (From Cellphone Antenna)
Wireless power transfer
Parabolic Wi-Fi Dish
1$ Evdo Antenna with a ~13db gain
How to share a WI-FI connection
D-Link Wireless Router DIR-628 Setup [Without CD]
Cheap touchpad.
DIY Wifi Extender - Cantenna build with a stand.
Walking Clacks Tower (Portable Semaphore Tower) Mark 1
433 MHz UHF lost model radio beacon
Configuring XBees for API Mode
Wireless Guitar Audio Transmitter / Tool Kit
Netgear dgnd3300 modem/router cooling fans mod (does not void manufacturer warranty)
My Bluetooth Range Extender
Radio/wireless headphones
NES Cartridge Wireless Router
How to Get Wifi From 4 KM or 2.5 Miles Away!!! UPDATED FOR FASTER SPEEDS!!!!
Adding an External Antenna to a Clear Motorola CPEi25150
RFID: The REAL Story
Radio jammer
Two quicky directional wifi antennas
Solar Powered Security System