Survival Projects
Ultimate Cold-Weather Hack: Keep Your Hands Warm and Dry!
Alaska Survival Cabin
Flying Car Animation
Solar Generator
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Cattle Field Shelter for Your Farm
How to Make Cord
How to Make a Fishing Hook
Homemade Steel Knife with Carved Handle
PVC Bows and Arrows Build-along
Duct Tape Holder Card
5 Main Trees, Look-alikes, and What to Use Them For.
Craft Your Own Calendula Salve: Perfect for Outdoor Healing and Care
“MistMingle Umbrella: Reinventing Umbrella for Comfortable Sunny Walks”
How to Survive in the Great Outdoors
Kit Outdoor DIY
DIY Solar-Powered Emergency USB Charger for Camping and Hiking
The Bangladesh Sundarbans - Proactive Design for a Sustainable Future
Sustainable Cave Home
Congo Basin Cooling Hut: a Habitat Designed for Existing Inhabitants
Designing a Resilient Rainforest Survival Base
Hoberman Habitat: Expandable & Efficient Space Living
Living on Unknown Planets in Space
Triton Research Facility
Earthquake Dorm in Japan
Designing a NASA Research Station in the Atacama Desert
Desert Shelter
Wildfire Resilient House (Make It Resilient 2024)
Resilient Dome/Wall Laboratory - MIR (Make It Resilient)
Desert Habitat
Make It Resilient! | Surviving the Sahara Desert With an Extraordinary Base
Floating Venus Habitat
Emergency Response Habitat for Flooding and Hurricanes: Vista Fuerte
The Ishtar, Floating Venusian Habitat
Resilient and Adaptable Desert Habitat
Sahara Dome: Living in the Sahara Desert
Futuristic & Resilient Rainforest Habitat and Home: Innovating Sustainable Living in Challenging Environments
Underwater Extreme Habitat
Designing a Sustainable House for Frigid Climates
Blender to TinkerCad Solar Powered Desert Lab Habitat
Mars Base
Resilient Hive
Bobcat Defense System for Chicken Saftey
Extreme Temperature Survival Habitat
Project: Fire Safe Hawaii
Haiti's Earthquake Resistant Habitat
Elusive Mars Base, Focused on Functionality and Adaptation.
Desert Survival Home Design
How to Live on Mars
CARBON: Crisis Assisting Resilient Bivouac Outdoor Network
Subterranean Sanctuary: Life Below the Martian Surface
Deep Sea Lab
Bushcraft Mallet With a Scotched Eye Auger
Underwater Living Space
Deep Sea Habitat
Arctic Housing and Energy Sources
Resilient and Ideal Home for Coastal Flooding Conditions
Europa Base
Rain Forerst House
Small Survival Box
Habitat on Mars