Wireless Projects Sorted By Winners
Soda Can Radio Antenna
Lightweight Radar Reflector
Personal Applause Sign
Making a wireless network using a Cricket Modem
The Making of a Beast: Part Two, The BiQuad Antenna
Bluetooth Pulse Oximeter
Make Your IP Stay the Same
The Making of a Beast: WRT54G Mods, Part One
Quick and dirty USB wifi dongle waveguide
Simple and cheap UHF Antenna (Folded Dipole / Bowtie)
Unleash the Power of Your Router!
Blue Tooth SpiderMan (making your dongle pretty)
Thin Clienting at home
Almost free yet another dtv antenna.
POE for my Clear home modem (first instructable so bear with me)
Low-Power Wireless Charging
How to set up an ad Hoc Network (computer to computer)
Convert Wireless Router in to Wireless Extender 2x Access Point
Hack a wireless doorbell into a wireless alarm switch or on/off switch
Airplane Radio (eavesdrop on your pilot)
How to rebroadcast WIFI as your own network, FROM YOUR LAPTOP!
Use a Satellite Dish to Improve Your 3G Wireless broadband Signal
Acer Extensa Laptop 5620 Hotrod Overhaul Guide
how to Cool your Wireless Network Router and prevent it from slowing down
Building a mostly remote camera system
How to wire your house for VoIP (Skype or Vonage).
Using a HP T5700 Thin Client to Watch Video over a network
Script to backup Linksys wireless access point configurations
SNES Controller into a Mouse Mod
How to make OR REPLACE a RC car antenna
Speed Up Your (Dad's Satellite) Internet Connection with a Dual-Band Wireless Router
Easy wardriving wireless antenna booster- wifi - wlan
Antena para adaptador wi-fi USB
Steampunk Bluetooth Headset
How to Change(Spoof) Your MAC Address
Hawking 7dBi Wifi Antenna free boost
New Wireless Antenna On The Cheap
Weatherized Wireless Network Adapter using a water bottle
How to make the simplest AM transmitter
Repurposed Satellite Dish Antenna Captures Wi-Fi and Cell Phone Signals
How to Wire Your House With Cat-5 (or 6) For Ethernet Networking
How to destroy Xbox 360, Wii and PS3 Internet connection using a Nintendo ds or ds lite.
My 24p WiFi Booster
Project Wind Surfer
Linksys made-to-fit shelf
Increase and extend the range of a USB Bluetooth dongle!
How to find out your WEP/WPA key
Clamp Lamp Wifi Extender
Get wireless network keys
UPDATED !!!! Cheap and easy WIFI antenna signal booster that is better and quicker than the paper ones !!!
Accelerometer Tilt Controlled Wireless RGB LED-lights
Wireless Accelerometer Controlled rgb-LED's
External Bluetooth Antenna for Increased Range!
How to build a "top-of-the-line" custom PC
How to fix some wireless connection problems
Automated Answering System V1.0
How to make a listening device
WIFI Hunting!
How to Make Indonesia's WajanBolic or PanciBolic (USB)