Wearables Projects
Iron Man's Wearable Arc Reactor built in just 30 minutes!
SUMO : Smart Pulse Monitor ( A Low Cost Smart ECG )
Simplest Arc Reactor
Wearable Sound Reactive Equalizer Skirt
Emergency Button for 7$, Arduino, WIFI and ESP8266
[DEPRECATED] Arduino-Based Smart Glasses by a 13-year-old - Jordan Fung's Pedosa Glass
Synesthesia Mask
Make a Fiber optic Flower
EL Wire Light-Up Dog Harness
Knappa Tutu: Some Dancing Required
Portable Holographic Displayer (Holo-Watch)
A Punch of Thousand Volt
Hacking any car with the Pebble Watch and 1Sheeld
DIY - Super Cheap and Super Cool Arc Reactor
EL Panel hat (aka Helm Biochip hat)
Heart rate monitoring application via e-mail
Modified Quanum FPV Goggles
modifying the POWER MONGER
A Cheap Laser Tag
Wearable Mouse!
Night Shower- A DIY LED Earring
LED Belt!
Dancing Star
how to build an awsome deadmau5 head
Lego google cardboard
16mm Bluetooth + 6/9 DOF Gyroscope Wearable Board talking to phone and programming with open source tools
NeoPixel LED Coat
Pebble time watch Smartstrap Tutorial
Baby Cloud
Build a Morse Code Wearable
Communicator Watch
Make a Runway Ready Programmable LED Matrix Dress
Necomimi bluetooth EEG data hack.
The Ultimate Child Tracker
LED Fingertips
Soft Robotic Insole
HandiPhone Conceptual Phone Design
Design Your Own Fabric with Icons to Represent Your Interests (& Make it into a Tie!)
How to Silence your Digital Wristwatch
Personal Space Defense System
Wearable #1: Bear Corsage
CarryMe-Intel Edison
3D Print Bracelet
DIY CPU Dogtag
Hear Me
Holographic video call hat
Holographic video call hat
Gesture Calculator(Intel IoT)
Fiber Optic RGB LED Top Hat
Wearable Womens Guard (Intel IOT)
Brain Inside (Intel IoT)
Tips and Tricks for Working with Fairy Lights
head gear
Fiber Optic Jellyfish Skirt
NeuroSky MindWave Mobile Teardown + customized EEG headpiece
Bridal Veil with Decorative Lights!
Indoor Positioning with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
DIY Bow Tie --- With Lights!!
Light Up Flower Crown Headbands for Summer Music Festivals, Weddings, Special Occasions