Usb Projects Sorted By Winners
USB Ambient Light
USB cellphone charger cable
Sexy Ipod Touch Generator 2 vertical dock made from everything in the box
Flashdrive in Audio-Casette
Nintendo DS USB Charger
USB Stick Mouse
Hand Crank Knex Winch
How to open a Western Digital Dual-Option USB Enclosure
Capsicum Computum: Serrano Pepper USB-stick
ruben the data pooping usb monkey
Acrylic USB Case Hack
Chewing Gum USB !!
Adding Hard Drive Space to your Laptop
Make a Simple, Lensless USB Microscope for under $15
Shotgun Shell USB !
5 min usb table top light house
USB powered cobalt desk lamp
Upgrade your Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Disk
USA - USB: American Flag USB Memorial
Guitar Hero Guitar with Built-in Speaker
Energizer USB battery charger
DIY 9v Usb Ipod, Cellphone, Mp3 Portable Charger! Very EASY!
USB Cassette
USB PEZ (or how to Fido your candy dispenser).
How To Make a USB Greenhouse
How to get your iPod to charge with your homemade charger.
USB Smoke Absorbing Ashtray
Cell Phone USB Hub
USB and Flip Key
NES Controller / 4 Port USB HUB
Make Your Own U3 programs Using Freeware
mini USB powered Tiffany Lamp
A Meccano cased usb stick
How a USB Works: The inside of the cable
USB webcam tracking system
USB Shiftage Key!!
The Super-efficient USB Light
USB Coil Cable
USB Powered Glowing LEGO Man
USB Stretchy Fabric Connection
Hack your usb missile launcher into an "Auto-aiming autoturret!"
DIY USB Slimline Optical Drive Enclosure
USB Batman Spotlight
DIY USB "Hard Drive"
A USB Power Controled Plug Strip. With Isolation.
DIY USB Cooking Pan
Hidden USB Storage
Mesh laptop stand with usb fans
Illuminated CD Coaster
NES Controller USB Stick
Uninstall U3 "Smart Drive" Software
USB Hub inside Altiods Tin
Flash Drive in a Memory Card (PS2)
Usb adapter for Nintendo DS
USB Popcorn Maker
DIY Betta (or any fish) Tank with USB LED Lamp
Incredible HULK Nintendo Wii w/ extra usb
How to Extend yout USB using UTP