Launchers Projects
airsoft tips and tricks
bolt shooting mod for tru-mark sling shots plus bolts
Awesome Paintball Squeegee
Easy to make Bottle head launcher!
how to make a cool cross bow
Mod your stream line darts
How to Build an Airsoft Trip Mine.
Prototype Airsoft Trip Mine.
non explosive airsoft grenade
Paintball Massacre! V.2
Farmer's Ultimate Paintball !
What to do with leftover paintballs
Nerf Longshot Reloading Mod
Paintball Massacre!
Crossbow, ammo, and target
David and Goliath Sling
"Ghillied up" make your own ghillie paintball mask
"Ghillied up" How to make a ghillie paintball gun
Knex BB/Airsoft Gun
Airsoft Grenade
Begginers Guide To Airsoft
A Simple Guide to Airsoft
how to make a flash suppresor/silencer for an airsoft gun
Ghillie Suit
home made nerf or air gun , for under $12 bucks!
Guide to Airsoft
How to unjam a stinger s32p airsoft shotgun
Nerf Maverick "air taser" for $25
easyer and best pen gun
How to create a simple yet effective DIY air gun at your home from little bits and pieces lying around
How To Make A Nerf Deer Slug
Home made Pellet ammo
nerf maverick mod: full barrel removal
How to make a REALLY powerful rubber band gun
Semi auto pen airsoft gun w/ mag
totally sweet nerf mod.
Pneumatic Golfball Cannon- Shoots 450+ yards!
Homemade Mini Coaxial Airgun
Testing Cheap Airsoft Gun
Propane to Green Gas Converter
Shotgun Nerf Dart
The Humidifier: aka the latex powered water gun
Easy marshmallow shooter
CR-Tutorials-How To Make A Hidden Blade Or Dart Launcher
scud missile for kids
How to build an air soft course
Awesome Airsoft Grenade
make a paper dart!!
Nerf Longshot Modification
bottle launcher
how to mod the recon cs-6
How To Paint A Gun Camo And A Gun Holster
dart gun
Make a simple battery discharger for NiCad or NiMH battery packs.
How to Field Strip an Airsoft Gun
Make Your Own Battle-Ready Airsoft Kit
Pencil Slingshot
How to make A pen gun