Make a Paper Dart!!

by peanutthegreat in Outside > Launchers

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Make a Paper Dart!!

make a paper dart that cn stick in the cieling!!
dont ask about the picture, its pointless, and its my avatar pls comment!

Step 1

step one.bmp
first get a pice of lined paper, and fold and cut it like in the picture so that when you unfold it, its sqaure.

Step 2

step two.bmp
now, fold so there are creases like the picture.

Step 9[no I Lied, Its 3]

step three.bmp
now, push like in the picture so it looks like rocket fins, then staple at the bottom so they stay together. if you want, you can stick a pencil through the middle and actaully kill someone, but i wouldnt reckomend it.