Camping Projects Sorted By Winners
Campfire/BBQ Potato Thing
Easy Camping "Cooking"
Replace Princeton Tec FUEL Headlight Battery Door
Portable Washer
Propane Covers
Ikea hack
LED Tiki Torch
Make an Apartment-sized indoor Compost Bin
A Practical Zeer Pot (evaporative cooler / non-electrical refrigerator)
Plastic Cup
Foamie Teardrop Camper
clothing pill
Bourbon Bottle Anti Mosquito Tiki Torch
Cómo hacer caca -- la manera fácil
Candle powered mini-food dehydrator
Vaso plegable /Folding glass
Lantern Hanger
Flame Ejectors/Tiki Torches
Spider / Insect-proof Camping
Pull Tab Guy-line Tensioner
Easy Star Jar Lantern
Festival Tent Finder
Vetsport Extreme SIPS Microcamper
Horno Solar Para Un Hot Dog
Pooping In Paradise (or in nature) - how to do it easily
Simple Slackline
Hot Dog Cooker / Solar Oven
How to Train your Horse to do a Reining Stop
Car Window Screen
All Natural Mosquito Spray
Parasol fort stand
USB Powered Air Mattress Pump
how to recycle old lisense plates into a usable hoe for gardening,digging,ECT.
Mosquito trap (mosquito abortion clinic or source trap)
Prescription sun glasses - Make your own
Cooler Stereo w/ Wakeboard Tower Speakers (Small package.. big punch)
Outdoor solar cocktail tables and solar wine/ microbrew holder
400 lumen 12v lantern
Wood Scrap Camping Washing Machine
Camp Commode(potty) made for less then $10.00
Leña Perfectamente Partida (actualizada)
Arrow finding tool
Camping Hammock Tent
Hammock with Curved Stretcher Bars
Make a Lantern out of your flashlight and a milk jug. Call it the MilkJugFlashlightLantern!
DIY Char Cloth
DIY geocache
lighted camping popcorn maker - from aluminum crutch
Rotating Three-Marshmallow Toaster
snow/waterproof firestarter
super cooler with stereo mp3
Camping Cart
Effective Firestarter for the wet weathers
PVC Boat
Fire Starter
Fast Simple Bead/Boilie (fish bait)/Slingshot ammo roller
Match fire starter
Fine gold cleanup station