Homesteading Projects Sorted By Winners
Bee Pollen Guessing Jar
Extracting Honey From a Hive
queen bee incubator
Hive/Install A Bee Colony From A Package
Raw Cashew Honey Butter
bees wax camping sheets
Simple Cheap Ice Box Air Conditioner
Honey Bee Swarm Catch Hives
Reciprocal Homesteading - Lamb duckling & bunny sitting. Babysitting à la ferme. Niñera en la granja
decoration at it's easiest: unexpected reuse :)
Aviary - How to build Chicken run and Aviary
A Worm Bin for Apartments
Coffee collector
How to Make a Nucleus Honeybee Colony (and Prevent Established Hives From Swarming)
P.E.T. Rain Gutter
Rain barrel on the cheap
Renewable energy - Wood chip boiler for a private home. Case Study - Heating from Hedges. Chaudière à bois déchiqueté Caldera de astillas
Hiving a Package of Bees
Red Mites - Organic Poultry - 3 Solutions. Traitement Pou Rouge. Tratamiento De Los Ácaros Rojos
Rainwater Harvesting / Water Collection System + Mains Pressure Pump & First Flush system DIY
Bunny Rabbit Hydration Station Made From Scrap Wood
Bring A Bee To Work Day.
Discovering Oxford Sandy and Black Pigs. Scottish Organic Smallholding. Highland Homestead Part 1. Fermette écossaise - cochons de race rare. Granja escocesa - Los cerdos de raza rara
Pallet Wood Straw Bale Compost Bin - Winterised Dry Toilet. Composteur de pipi. Compostador de orina
How To Make Aloe
How to Properly Dispose of an American Bullfrog after Dissection
Sunflower Harvest Alter
Rain barrel waterer using a float valve
Fix cracks in a rainwater tank with sugru
Extracting Honey
Double rain barrel system
Rainy Day Experiment
Water your garden from your bathtub
Plastic Bottle Rainwater Down Pipe With Filter
Rain Barrel and Chicken Trough Waterer
Creating a low budget composting toilet
Building a small rabbit hutch
Gravity feed rain barrel garden watering
Theoretical wave action pump, making fresh water and electricity
A NEW CONCEPT FOR COMPOSTING (Made thanks to Sketchup, Autodesk 123D and Autodesk Sketchbook)
How to Make a Rain Barrel From a Pickle Barrel
Rainwater Cistern
Build a gothic chicken coop (or dog kennel or pig house or ...)
The strangest wooden compost box ever.
Water Butt Barrel Style Makeover
How to Create a Bioceller
Convert End Table to Rabbit Hutch
How I turned a laundry bag into a flow through worm bag
Simple, Inexpensive Rain Barrel Build
Indoor Vermicompost
Making a Berky type water filter system that looks good in a kitchen
Low-Power Pump for Gravity Water Tank
Solitary Bee Habitat
How to Build a 6000 gallon Water Tank
Cladding a 1000 ltr/250 gallon IBC water tank
DIY Solar Robotic Dual 55 Gallon Composter
TCMtech dripper irrigation with float control Demonstration of how simple it works.
2 Bin Compost Corral
Milk Jug Rain Barrel
Beekeeping Business