Bee Pollen Guessing Jar

by Fikjast Scott in Living > Homesteading

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Bee Pollen Guessing Jar

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Our library does many things to encourage reading, the summer reading program is a fun way to get people into the library.

For Years my family has been making guessing jars for the children's summer reading program. The children guess the quantity of the items in the jar to win prizes - usually a book.

I choose to use whole granule bee pollen for one of the guessing jars for a reason.

The value of bees reaches far beyond the boundaries of the honey they produce.

I hope to encourage the children of our community to save and protect our bees.

If I win the bee contest - I will donate the backyard beekeeping book, to the children’s section of the library.

Items Used

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  1. Whole granules Bee Pollen
  2. Plastic jar - for safety I use plastic jars - 10 1/2 inches tall by 6 inches in diameter
  3. Clear Packing tape - to maintain the integrity of the contents
  4. Cookie sheet - to keep things from rolling away
  5. White paper sheet – use to help count the items
  6. Pen
  7. Scraper - used to divide items
  8. Dental Pick - used as a counting pointer
  9. Seperate piece of paper to keep the secrete count




Counting the Items

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By putting the paper under the items allows for the drawing of section lines for the groups and putting down the count.

I spread the items out - to lay flat.

I use a scraper to make groups on the paper, and then I use my pen to draw in the defining lines.

I find it easier to break down the items into groups.

My father always told me to go with shorter corn rows = this means that I can take a breather every once in a while = small grouping works well.

I use the dental pick to count with.

Once I count a section (group) I write the number inside the area.

I would go crazy if I count the entire group at one time.

Once I have finished with all the groups - I pull out the sheet and add up the groups for the total.

I like the cookie sheet for small items.

Gather Up Item and Put in Guessing Jar

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After I get my count - I slide out my paper and move the items to bottom of the cookie sheet.

Dump the items into the jar (I was carful - a funnel would have been faster)

Tape around the cap (top) with the packaging tape.

Label and Decorate Guessing Jar

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I type up a little note and print a label for the jar.

Since I wanted to draw attention to protecting and saving bees; I added some of my bee drawings.

I use the clear packing tape to hold the label and drawings onto the jar.

The packing tape works well, comes off easy - I use the jars over and over again.

Notes on drawing a bee:

I find it easier to draw larger for detail and scan down the image for my uses.

For symmetry I start by folding my paper in half.

I use general proportions to draw with, along with some feature notes (how many leg segments).

I draw half of the image and then I go over the major lines about three times with my pencil – to add graphite.

I fold the paper (image) over and rub the paper (image) to transfer the image.

Then I darken the lines with my pencil

I then black ink the lines (to scan better)

I scan the picture into my computer.

I do not use anything fancy. I use ms word to copy my image into. I make several copies.

I then shrink the image down to several sizes.

That’s it I print it and choose the sizes I want to use.

Guessing Jars at the Library

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Here are just a few more pictures of the guessing jars at the library.

The side jar is to put the guesses in.

Our library leaves a guessing jar out for about a week.

You might have noticed that my profile picture is guessing jars.

This is my little contribution.

If you have come this far, I will let you know a tip, people tend to guess to low on the count of smaller items.

There is a lot more in there than it looks like.

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