Reuse Projects Sorted By Popular
Solar Tree Lights
Convert a toy piano to work as a midi device and use it with Synthesia
The ultimate high tech beverage holder
Macgyver's iPhone Audio Amplifer/Charging Dock
Getting Useful Bits from a Microwave Oven #1
Easy Battery Holder
Open a Harddrive, without using the right tools.
Deconstruction - Rabbit Hole
Kindle Hideaway In A Book
Recycled Hard Drive Desk Clock
Milk Bottle Caps Redux
Make a Horse Carousel
Mobile passive audio
Cassette Tape Square Card Reader Case
Stepper Motor magic
1960's Camping Lantern Mains Plug Hack
Harvesting Parts From a Laser Printer
1950's Leica Slide Projector LCD conversion for under $30
Hooking up a laptop to an old school RF TV
Simple Nerf Gun Shot Counter using a Keychain Photo Viewer
tips on taking stuff apart
Relaxiation Machine,
Reuse old light bulb - LED
Quick flashlight of a sort or at worst quickie science project
Digital photo frame from laptop - yes, another one!
Rustic Table Fan from scratch
LED tree
How to recycle HDPE (milk bottles and caps) into usable sheet material
DIY trellice tower from decorative garden fencing
Reusable Wrapping out of found fabric
Decorative Christmas trees from recycled CDs
What to do With Your iPhone 4 Otterbox Beltclip if You Have Upgrated to the iPhone 5.
Laptop Mobilization
Hack a dead HDD and an angle grinder disk into a small tool emery wheel
Re-purpose your old digital camera for macro-photography
Campaign sign hack
USB Flash Diskette
Power PSP Using AAA batteries
Select a resistance (DEI 555T hacked)
PSU to electronics power hub hack
Re-purposing an iPhone Unu into an external iPhone charger
Hack an office chair into a "Hill Billy High Chair"
Push Light Momentary Button Hack
DIY Sack Truck Hand Trolley for 1 dollar/euro/pound - Reused Pallet Wood. Diable en bois de palette
Coffee stirrer chaingun
How to get magnets out of Magnetix (the unsafe way)
Picture frame out of old Hard Disk and CD
Uses for Dead Car Batteries and Sealed Lead Acid Batteries
Up-Cycled Coffee Table
Floppy Disk Lampshade
DIY network firewall from legacy parts.
Re-purposing an old Scanner into a Tabletop Saw
Steam Punk Themed Electrostatic Motor
Nexus 7 Stand... OF DOOM!
9V Battery Snap Connector from Scrap
Stand Alone CD Player
Mini HV generator Made From Fujifilm/Kodak PowerFlash disposable cameras
Electrically Insulated Altoids Tin