Full Function Wireless Joystick Rug for PC - No Stitch

by jegatheesan.soundarapandian in Circuits > Gadgets

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Full Function Wireless Joystick Rug for PC - No Stitch

Rug Joystick App
Rug Joystick game

Play PC games bored now a days. So Lot of virtual reality objects come to interact with PC to play games, but its more expansible. So I plan some thing cheap to interact with PC. First of all i like to did it for my child. While web surfing i found a musical drums app which able to play with Key board. So with that in mind and also for PC games i plan to did a wireless carpet used as joystick to play games and run applications by foot. Again all must be cheap. But it consume lot of days to complete this project. It also consumes more gum almost 0.75 Kgs of gum.

Due to multiple layer its very soft to stand.

After complete this project my child is very happy on play in this rug. I also feel very happy to do this.

Materials Required


Materials Required

For Carpet

1) Carpet cloth Cloth.

2) Old T- Shirt for Buttons.

3) Glue for Finishing.

4) Thin wooden pallet.

For Leg Switch

5) Thin Sponge.

6) Aluminium Foil

7) Old CDs - 10Nos

8) Glue (Large Amount of Gue required to paste all the switches), Hot glue gun to connect wires to foils

Electronics Side

9) Arduino UNO - 1No

10) HC-05 Blue tooth Module - 1 No

11) 10K ohms Resister - 10 Nos

12) Flexible Wires

13) Plain PCB board

14) Soldering Male and Female Header pins

15) 9V Battery.

16) 9V battery terminal connector.


1) Arduino IDE

2) Visual Studio

Tools Required

1) Soldering Tools

2) Hot Glue Gun

3) Scissors

Make a Shield and Connect Bluetooth


1) Solder male Header pins to connect the Plain PCB to Arduino Uno.

2) For HC-05 Blue tooth module connection

a) 5V Vcc from Arduino UNO to HC-05 VCC.

b) Gnd from Arduino UNO to HC-05 GND.

c) D0 (Rx) from Arduino UNO to HC-05 TxD.

d) D1 (Tx) from Arduino UNO to HC-05 RxD.

3) Then Hot Glue the Female Header pin to the Board to hold it tight.

Switch Connection and Connection Complete


1) Use Digital Pins D2 To D11 for Digital Input.

2) For that Solder 10 K ohms resister from each Digital Pins and Solder the opposite end to the GND.

3) Now take a Wire From a 5 Volt Supply and short to each pin. Check it with test program and Print the Pin numbers in Serial port and Found ok.

4) Now connect the HC-05 BT Module to the shield we Prepare.

5) Connect the Shield to Arduino Uno and Use Test programs Check the Bluetooth and Keys button.

6) For Make it full wireless Connect the UNO to a Battery.

7) Now the Circuit is ready Its time to make Switches.

Programming Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE.jpg

Before Making Switch Write a Program to test the goal is reached.

Arduino Uno


While Write program and Upload Remove the HC-05 Module from the shield because it used the Pin D0,D1 used by IDE to write program to processor. If not remove Error in Upload Listed.

1) For Blue tooth just open the serial port and write the data what we have.

2) Record the current Binary value

3) Read the switches D2 to D11 and Convert it to Binary.

4) Check the next binary value. If both the value are different then.

5) Convert the Binary value to decimal and Send the Decimal value through Blue tooth.

6) Store the last binary value to current binary value.and go to step 3.


Programming Visual Studio

VS programming.jpg

1) Open a new application Program in Visual Studio.

2) In the form use a serial port to connect with the Buetooth com port.

3) The received Decimal value is converted in to binary and Save it in a array.

4) Then use a Timer and sendkeys.send function is used to call the keys.

5) As per Gaming the Send keys corresponding to the pressed keys changes And U able to play games and rum applications etc.

Test Running

Joystick testing

1) Switch on the Arduino.

2) Scan the Blue tooth in Laptop and Found HC-05 while pair put the Key as '1234' Default key for HC-05.

3) Now open the application and select the Bluetooth port (Found the setting of blue tooth as Com Port and select the second port marked as outgoing port)

4) Click Start in the application and Now the application minimize to the taskbar.

5) Now run the Game or Application u want to control.

6) In the Arduino now use the wire from 5V to tough the D2 to D11 or combined to see the play.

Make Switches Top Portion


1) Take 10 Plain Cds.

2) Make both surface rough using emery paper or rub in the floor (for grip and well pasting).

3) Take Food foils paper and cut the size of the cd.

4) Paste the Foils to the one surface of Cd using Fevicel (GUM). Apply Gum fully over the cd and paste the foil flat on the cd.

5) Do this for all other cds. I did 10 switches like this.

Now Top portion completed

Make Switches Bottom Portion


1) Take a Thin playwood of size good enough for Nos of switches u have. I have 10 switches and i did it for my kid so i dont leave lot of space between each switch.

2) Apply fevicol (GUM) all over play wood and spread it evenly.

3) Paste the foils fully over the board and make it flat using a card board, but dont rub very hard it tear the foils.

4) Allow Top and bottom of switch to dry.

5) Now take a thin sponge and cut to the size of the board.

6) As per position plan of the switch. Draw circles on the sponge using sketch pen.

7) Draw anothe circle inside the first circle smaller than 1 cm radius.

8) Cut the small circles and now the spong to ready to paste.

9) Step by step paste the sponge on the bottom board with out make the circle shape as oval.

10) So apply Fevicol(GUM) step by step, leave the spaces of cut in the sponge.

11) Allow it to dry now the bottom portion of the switch is also ready.

Connecting Wire to Switch


1) Take long multi turn wire of two color one for the Top and other for bottom.

2) For bottom cut one piece common wire (Red color) and For top cut 10 pieces(green color) of wire.

3) For CD spread the multi turns of the wire and insert the edges between the CD and Foils and hold it tight then paste it using hot glue gun.

4) If u don't hold it tight Glue enter between the wire and Foil. Then continuity between the Coil and wire disturbed.

5) After hot glue check the other end of the wire with foils continuity using multi meter.

6) Check all the Cds Foil to Wire continuity.

7) For Base plate remove the sleeve a large portion of wire and make two circle one below the foil and another above the foil hold very tight and hot glue it. Check the continuity of other end of wire and each portion of the foil.

Finish the Switch


1) Now the base plate and Top CD with foil is ready.

2) Apply 1 cm circumference Fevicol(GUM) to the cd foil side and paste it over the Sponge we already marked.

3) Like wise paste all the 10 CDs and now the switch is ready.

4) Connect the red wire end to the multimeter and other wire to each switch wire end and test the switch by press the cd.

5) When Cd is pressed the continuity is ok and when release then the continuity breaks.

Wiring the Switches


1) Bring all the wire to the top of the board like Joy stick.

2) Connect the wire between buttons and buttons and gather in one place.

3) Bring the red wire also to one side of the wires.

4) Hot glue all the Wires to make it neat and bring it to one place for easy soldering.

5) Take the shield we already prepare and Connect the Data pins 2 to 11 to the other end if switches produce.

6) connect the base wire of the base plate to 5v through foil and wire.

Now connections are ok

Prelinary Test

Joy stick rug test

1) Before design the carpet, first want to check all the functions in the frame work.

2) So connect it with the circuit and check the working with an online flash application.

3) This application play drums for each keys. I map that keys in the VB program and check the function. Found ok.

Preparing Cloth for Carpet


1) Take a velvet cloth bigger than the size of the board we make.

2) Draw the shape of the joy stick with sketch.

3) Draw a parallel line greater than the line we already draw.

4) Cut the cloth to the second line.

5) Like wise cut a sponge by put it over the velvet cloth.

6) Then a cloth for the bottom is also cut to that shape ( I use a whit cloth for that).

7) Now we have two cloth and a Sponge in the same design and size.

Paste the Cloth and Sponge in Layers


1) Now put the circuit we make in the board up side down.

2) Apply gum fully over the bottom surface of the board.

3) Spread the white cloth by mark the center of the board to the center of the cloth.

4) Allow it to dry.

5) Now flip the board.

6) Apply gum on the top of the switches we ready and remaining white cloth on the sides of the board.

7) Spread the Sponge over the board and press it gently to stick on the surface of the board. By using sponge no wires or CD spot in the leg and its very soft to stand.

8) Like wise cover the velvet cloth over the sponge.

9) Fold the cloth one side and apply gum all over the sponge on the other side and stick the velvet cloth over the sponge with out curves.

10) Now did it to the next side of the cloth.

11) Allow it dry for a night.

12) After dry cut the three cloth together to the line first draw in the velvet. Now all the 3 cloths are equal.

Prepare the Buttons


1) Take a old T-shirt (I choose a ash color).

2) Cut 10 pieces of cloth as per our requirement for buttons.

3) I cut 6 round pieces and two rectangle pieces.

4) We cant able to stick it directly over velvet cloth because the t shirt cloth is not strip and roll it self.

5) So paste all pieces fully in separate papers and after dry cut the pieces to the required shapes

6) Now the pieces are ready to stick over the board.

7) place the pieces over the board and find the center of each cd below the cloth and mark it.

8) Apply glow fully and stick it over the board now the Joy stick is completed.

Cover the Wire


1) To make it neat stick a cloth over the wire for the board.

2) In the bottom side paste a whit cloth.

3) After dry, cut the waste portion of the board to controller.

Battery Connection and Box the Controller


1) To make it portable use a 9V battery to the input Vin pin and Gnd through connector.

2) connect the battery.

3) Select a suitable container for Arduino board, Own Shield etc.

4) Place the circuit inside the box and all over.

Soft Joystick Ready to Work


1) Now the joy stick ready to work.

2) I design it for my daughter so i provide minimum gap..

3) Connect the battery and close the box. Now the Joy stick fully ready to operate.

4) I Leave a long wire because I don't like the box to disturb while playing.

Play a Online Flash Drums

Rug Joystick App

1) Open the online flash application drums.

2) Connect with the Rug using Bluetooth.

3) Open the Vb program and enter the com port and click start.

4) Now stand on the Rug to play the drums.

Play a Online Game

Rug Joystick game

1) Open the online flash Games.

2) Connect with the Rug using Bluetooth.

3) Open the Vb program and change the send keys button keys with the games keys and run.

4) Enter the com port and click start.

5) Now use the rug to play games in PC.

Its Time to allow my child to play. You also have fun with your kids. Like to hear comments from you all. Thanks for Watching....