

Joined January 22nd, 2015
101 Instructables   654,466 Views   683 Comments   413 Followers

jegatheesan.soundarapandian's Instructables

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500+ Comments

Earned a silver medal

10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

10+ Featured Instructable

Earned a silver medal

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Make it Move Challenge

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Go Big Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Make it Move Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Box Challenge

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Cardboard Speed Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Automation Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Block Code Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Make it Move Contest 2020

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Robots Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Super-Size Speed Challenge

Contest Winner

Judges Prize in the Arduino Contest 2020

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Silly Hats Speed Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the After School Challenge

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Made with Math Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Make it Move

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Game Life Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Fidget Spinner Design Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Rugs Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Halloween Decor Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Wizarding Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Glitter Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Prank Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Spring Cleaning Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the How to Play ____

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Rubber Bands Challenge