Linkit One-View All Analog Data Using Mobile WIFI Hotspot

by jegatheesan.soundarapandian in Circuits > Wireless

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Linkit One-View All Analog Data Using Mobile WIFI Hotspot


So for in micro-controller projects we see the sensor values in LCD and LED displays. Its bit boring and very complicated to solder the wires and check it. So with the use of Link it one its very easy to view the sensor values and results in Mobile using wifi hot spot. Lets start doing...........

Material Required


Materials Required

1) Mediatek Linkit one Board with WIFI antenna.

2) Android mobile with wifi hot spot option.

For Testing

1) Potentiometers

here show u the test. For real application remove the Potentiometer and connect the Sensors.

Set Up the Mobile Hotspot

Wifi hot spot setup

1) Open the Phone Screen.

2) In the top drop down menu u see WIFI hot spot.

3) Long press it to go to wi fimenu.

4) Wifi hot spot settings screen open.

5) Change the Id and pass word of the wifi hot spot.

6) Note the id and pass word to add in the program.



1) Open Arduino IDE.

2) select the the linkit one Tools -> board in the boards.

3) For simple upload the program here and change the WIFI_AP and WIFI_PASSWORD with urs.

4) All ready.


1) Use WIFI library to connect the board with the mobile hotspot wifi.

2) Use html codes to transfer analog values from board to device.

3) For continues viewing in the HTML coding its is noted that at each 5 secs the page reloaded.

Wiring for Test


1) Take a 10K ohms Potentimeter.

2) U find 3 leads in the potentiometer.

3) First pin is connected to the +5v of the linkit one board.

4) Second pin is connected to the A0 pin of the board.

5) Third pin is connected to the Gnd of the linkit one board.

6) Like wise connect all the 3 analog pins.

Now its ready to test

Find the IPaddress of Board Wifi

Find the ip address

1) No need of system serial monitor or any external display to fine ip address of linkit one board.

2) In the mobile it shows 1 devices connected to port with network connect symbol.

3) Go to wifi hot spot.

4) Now its shows the ip address of the connected board.

Running the Project


1) Open the open and go to the browser.

2) Type the Ip address u noted in the wifi hot spot.

3) press enter.

4) The page shows each Analog pins voltage in lines.

5) The Page automatically refresh in 5 secs and show the latest reading in the board pins.

6) Adjust the variable resister to see the changed value.