Visco Rocket: Mini!

by hairydevil in Outside > Rockets

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Visco Rocket: Mini!

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this is an instructable on how to make a miniature visco fuse rocket, to be propelled out of a launcher. it is very cool if done right, but is still dangerous and can shoot off in very wrong directions. use in open area

for this instructable you will need:

duct tape
visco safety fuse
some sort of payload
and a ruler

Beginning the Rocket

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so first you need to cut some fuse. cut 4 one inch peices and 1 1.5 inch peice. then straiten them out.

Rocket Step 2

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now cut yourself a 2 inch peice of duct tape, and put the peices of fuse onto it

Rocket Step 3

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now wrap the ductape around the fuses, so that the longish one is sticking out the bottom. this is the beginnings of your rocket

Rocket Step 4

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this picture is blurry, so ill explain it. what i have done is to wrap a small peice of tape around the bottom of the rocket, but leaving a wee bit of the long fuse sticking out. what this does is create a poorman's crimp.

Rocket Step 5

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this step is sort of confusing. what i have done is wrap a small peice of tape around the top of the rocket, but i have left the top open. i know that is confusing, but you can think of it as a cilender of tape wraped around the top.

Rocket Step Six

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this is also confusing. what you are doing now is putting in the payload. weather it is match heads, little peices of fuse, or flash powder, it is really the same. although if your payload is to big the rocket will not carry it. i used some small exploding stars i got out off a firecrackle (a "safe" california firecracker) anyway, what every your pay load is, just take it and put it down the cylinder of tape you have placed atop the rocket.

Last Rocket Step

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this is easy. really all you do is seal off the payload, buy just putting some ductape over the cylinder. there! your done! last minute pointer. if you do not crimp the the propelling end enough, the rocket wont fly very well

The Launcher

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this is the launcher. it is very easy to make.all it is is a tube duct taped to the lid of yogurt can, with a small hole poked in the tube for the fuse. all you do now is drop the rocket down the tube, and stick in a fuse. light the fuse and watch. hope it works for you lot. be kind. this is my first instructable.