Typing Paper Holder
Making a
typing paper holder
Hi, when I make electronic projects on bread boards, I need to refer to the electronic diagrams and even if I have them on my tablet and lap top but having them fixed on a board in front of me is more convenient, it can be used for typing long papers which are hand written or while I translate English texts in to my own language so the usage of such holder is abundant, hence I decided instead of buying one making one. The materials are as followed:
· Materials:
1 – 250 mm×400 mm sheet made of polycarbonate
2 – Enough length of 20 mm electrical duct cover
3 - A small switch
4 – 20 mm 5730, 12 V LED strip, 1 M < = 14.4 W
5 – A clip
6 – Enough length of wire
7 – A female connector to connect to a 12 V adaptor
8 – 2 screws with nuts
9 – Two pieces of polycarbonate sheet each 300 × 40 mm and 12× 40 mm
10 – 3 plastic paper binders
· Tools:
1 – Soldering Iron
2 – Solder
3 – Cutter
4 – Wire cutter
5 – Glue
· Instruction
1 – Cut the polycarbonate sheet from the main sheet
2 – Glue the duct covers to the sheet
3 – Make a hole for the switch on the duct cover and insert switch from that
4 – Attach the LED strip which is soldered to wires to the duct cover
5 – Stick the supporting frame of LED to the main frame with glue
6 – Glue the supports and make a “L” from them and then attach them to the main board
7 – Use wire and attach it to the switch from behind the board with solder
8 – Attach the female connector to the end of wire.