Tripmine Air Pellets

a tripmine for air soft pellets
Tin Mouse Trap

i bought these mouse traps at a doller store,
1st.make metal plate that hits the dowl,now you can make somthing so the dowl doesnt go through the tub or just insert each time.
2. cut a hole for the string to trip the arm that sets off the trap.
3. add tub and piece of woden dowel
4. add stake for inserting in the ground
1st.make metal plate that hits the dowl,now you can make somthing so the dowl doesnt go through the tub or just insert each time.
2. cut a hole for the string to trip the arm that sets off the trap.
3. add tub and piece of woden dowel
4. add stake for inserting in the ground
Have Fun

i didnt spend much time on this so i know youll come up with better ideas, they dont acually hurt,but it was just to know you got hit. so have fun