Sugru Custimized Headset With Detachable Buds

by joymcjoy in Circuits > Speakers

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Sugru Custimized Headset With Detachable Buds

Skip the nonsense if you immediately want to start doing and proceed to step1 !
Hi volks, this gonna be my very first instructable and I will start with something really easy at least something to complete within half an hour or so.
By the way it is 4 o'clock in night here in the middle of nowhere in central Germany and after 2 days being ill I am bored of sleeping and waiting for the answer of my future girl. So lets give something to think about for the brain and a bit relax to the heart.
Greetz to Andy and the instructables team, you're doing a great job!
All right.

What's all about:
As soon as I read something about sugru this was my very first idea. My anatomy seems not fit standardized norms or vice versa, so it every time a real pain to find earphones or  headset to fit my ears. I gave up long time ago limiting myself to listen to music for 1 hour max. till my ears start to develop pain or simple unrest because of the earphones, headset used. Yes there are options like custom fitted ear phones but neither I am willing to spend few hundreds for this nor they seem to care about "normalo" features like integrated microphones and compatibility with common devices. So my aim is to make custimized earbuds for my current inear headset but without probably ruin the headset or make it unusable for other people (as I am changing my tech equipment frequently).

Step 1:
What you gonna need:
- 1 sachet of sugru
- a headset to adopt the sugru buds to make them detachable
- some common tools to bring the sugru into form (fingers are useful and common I think)
- pair of ears, most probably your own if you are doing it the first time ^^
- a cup of water with a few drops dishwater detergent is useful to keep sugru off your fingers

- See sugru instructions (especially he notice with allergic reactions as we gonna stick the sugru for a few hours directly to human skin, especially very thin skin inside the ear)
- wash hands and ears

The photo shows the completed work to give you a taste of how it could look like. I noticed just now the blower in the background, funny picture though.



Split the sugru into two equal parts and apply each parts gently into each ear. Try to avoid squeezing to much into the ear. Much more important is to fill the outer ear, because this will be the surface and form holding the buds and the earphone in the ear.
Flatten the surface of the sugru inside your ear with your fingers.
Now the little uncomfortable part. You need to leave the sugru for long time enough you can peel it out of the ear without deforming it. One hour for me. You can feel the right time with your fingers. The surface of the sugru should be dry and you must feel resistance when pressing against it.
When you finally peeled the buds out of you ear you will get something like the photo shows.
After adding some more drying time (few minutes for me) you can continue to next step.
BUT ATTENTION: if you want to use a method without a drill do not leave it for to long as the sugru will dry completely preventing you from easily doing the next step


The next and final part is to make a hole into the modeled buds from the last step.
Doing this when the core of sugru is still wet is very easy and just a matter of time.
The hole needs to starting at the top of the inner side and finish somewhere at the center of the flat outer side of each bud. Use tools which you like I used some screwdriver bits (I know some colleagues would kill me for this, but things are there to be missused ;-)  and these ear cleaning  devices ;-) don't know the exact term (tips maybe?) with a few layers tape on it to adjust the thickness to my headset. By inserting the Headset ones in a while you can test how much material you need to substract from the inside (last picture in this step)


And yeah, you are nearly done and my work starts in an hour.
So fit everything together an test it. BTW if something doesn't fit very well try to change left and right ^^ (maybe this was only me or the late time, but my pair managed to change the sides on my first listening test)
Maybe self explaining but a few points to think about while making:
- to not hinder the sound you really want to make sound channel of your inear headset to point straight forward trough your sugru buds into your ear. Consider this when aiming for the right angle of the hole
- The buds move the center point of mass of the headset further out from the ear. As with these you won't have the ability to push them further inside (well thats exactly what I can't stand or at least ma years) you maybe will experience some stability issues, not as critical as Chernobyl, but still enough to not use the headset. Of course dependent on mas and construction of your headset. I solved this by turning the cable entrance to the top and wind it back around the ear.
- The hole can be made or adjusted by drilling when sugru dried completely
- You can add side holes to adjust surrounding noise damping
So far the most comfortable listening experience I ever head

Next step would be to fill the ear completely (because of the much higher weight) and integrate a driver and a large diameter membrane as dedicated devices. A completely user customized system like sold by UltimateEars I think.

So my first one is finished, comments and question very appreciated. Some minutes to go to drive to work and test the headset in the gym afterwards.
Stay tuned and avoid the black holes!