Soda Can Crossbow
this is a miniature crossbow built with just 1 soda can and a pair of scissors
when you begin to cut poke a hole in the can to allow your scissors to cut off the top and bottom if you bend it to cut this will comprise the integrity of the crossbow in the later stages. and make sure that you clean out your cans first or youll get coke on your stuff.
Cut Off Top
be careful not to cut yourself. Just throw away the top and then cut vertically to the bottom like the picture then cut off the bottom also.
Cut of the Edges
unroll whats left of the can and cut off the jagged edges and then trow them away
Making Shaft
first cut vertically a piece the size of the one shown. then fold each to the middle as shown and the fold in half with the edges going to the inside.
Making the Shooty Thingy Part
first cut a piece off that is about 1 and a half finger widths wide and then bend it a little but do not make a crease in it just bend it back a little to where it was before you unrolled it. then make a horizontal hole a little above the horizontal center but right on the vertical center.
Attaching the Shaft to the Shooty Offer Thingy
flatten the tip of the shaft so it can fit. then fold over the end to lock it into place
Making the Bowstring
begin by cutting a horizonal piece that is a little longer than the large flat piece you just installed. then push it into the holes you just made and fold it over to lock them into place.
Installing Trigger and Handle
first cut the pieces as shown and then fold them in half and places that are shown for the handle place it in the middle of the folds on the side of the shaft and for the trigger place it in the top circle that you see out of the three on the back