- USB 3.0 Cable Power Switch
- 500W DIY multiport USB-PD Fast Charger
- USB-connected Buttons That Can Be Used to Simulate Episode of a Music Game Show
- "Schrott"-Ventilator
- Delete Button XL
- MPPT Solar LIPO Battery Charger
- PastePal
- USB Desk Lamp KS3 Design Technology Project
- Solution for Output Noise in the XH-M411 Boost Converter Module to Overcome Cellular Phone Charging Issues
- IPAD Pencil Backup Pocket Charger
- USB-Power-Distribution
- Thumb Drive- Ryomen Sukuna Edition
- Hidden USB Screwdriver
- USB C Handheld Arcade
- Foot Switch Control for PowerPoint Slides
- HID Numpad With XIAO SAMD21
- One Handed Chording Keyboard
- USB Powered Warming Mug
- Awesome Lego USB Drive
- How to Usb-ify Anything
- Converting the Logitech MXERGO Trackball Mouse to USB C
- Fix a Loose USB-C That Won't Charge
- A Sequential Gear Shifter for Simracing
- I Made a Nano USB HUB
- Convert Battery-powered Night Light to Rechargable
- Converting Webcam Module to USB
- USB Redirector Server: Share USB Devices over a Network
- Makey Makey Tile Project
- I Made My Own USB DOCTOR!!
- 【Keypad】鎌倉宮 獅子頭(Kamakura-gū Lion Head) #000 XIAO RP2040
- MacroPad DIY
- USB Toaster
- DIY 216W Desktop USB Type-C PD Charger at 65W + 100W
- 【Original Keypad】Sunflower #001 XIAO RP2040 - Newly Designed Keypad.
- Minimalist USB Connector - No Special Hardware Required
- USB Kylo Ren Flash Drive
- Altoid Flux Capacitor Computer Lamp
- Mircobit Smiley Button
- SEEED STUDIO Themed PCB Keychain
- PS4 EXT Port USB Cable Hack
- Connect a Mouse to Android Cell Phone
- Where Is Luigi?
- DIY BICYCLE USB CHARGER "Fahrradlader V3.1"
- ⏲️ ES Timer a Special 🍅 Pomodoro Timer (Digispark ATtiny85)
- Using Type-C for Any Project!!
- Turn a GameCube Controller Into a USB MIDI Instrument
- USBfying an Automatic Dustbin
- USB Confusion
- Hidden in Plain Sight Secret Flash Drive Inside a USB Plasma Ball - Hidden Files Never Looked So Good!
- USB Hub Hidden Password Vault With Encryption & EEPROM Storage
- Stick-to-fridge Dead Drop!
- Olight Magnetic Connector to Usb-c Mod !
- Cheap 1$ USB Meter Testing and Teardown
- The Expletive Keyboard
- Looking at GPS Messages Using Neo6M and USB-Serial Converter
- Floating Wireless Charger USB
- A BadUSB Device With Arduino
- USB Scroller
- USB Flash Drive Hidden Inside the Power Bank