Simple Wind Turbine
Knox co. presents the next energy source, the wind turbine. But what makes this different? This instructable will also show you how to make a hanger so it can rotate into the wind, maximizing efficiency.
Materials and Tools
You need:
A long, thin piece of wood
a working fan
a long, thin metal tube
twine, rope or string
a screw driver
a drill
A long, thin piece of wood
a working fan
a long, thin metal tube
twine, rope or string
a screw driver
a drill
Stripping the Shell
Noted, you can skip this step. This is merely to allow for maintanence convienence.
Unsrew the shell and take the knobs off. Unscrew the blade, take the shell off, and put the blade back on. This should expose the circuits under.
Unsrew the shell and take the knobs off. Unscrew the blade, take the shell off, and put the blade back on. This should expose the circuits under.
The Rod
Get your pole and drill two holes at the top straight across from eachother.
Support Beam
Take your piece of wood and your pole. Line the pole up at the center and mark two points at either end of the pol at about middle depth.
Take some twine and run it through the holes in the pole and the wood and tie knots at the ends.
Putting It Together (update)
Now make another length of twine and tie it to the pertruding part of the fan (in my case a metal piece). Drill another hole in the beam in the center of the first two, and slightly lower. Run the piece of twine up the pole and through the center hole, and tie a knot so the pertruding piece is inside the pole, and it dangles there. Now attach the wood to a forked branch in a tree or something, and run wire down from it. You could use electromagnetic induction to reduce wire use, but it also reduces voltage, so it isn't recomended. But this will follow the wind, and now you can plug something into it without plugging it into the wall.
update: you should attach a group of running capacitors to the prongs. also, i did the math and you should get it to spin about 23 times a second. then you sould get about 120v or so.
update: you should attach a group of running capacitors to the prongs. also, i did the math and you should get it to spin about 23 times a second. then you sould get about 120v or so.