Secret Tennis Ball Compartment

by yodog1645 in Living > Pranks, Tricks, & Humor

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Secret Tennis Ball Compartment

Photo on 1-25-15 at 1.32 PM #2.jpg
Photo on 1-25-15 at 1.31 PM.jpg

In this Instructable I will teach you how to make a tennis ball compartment. For this all you will need is a tennis ball and a serated and pointy knife.

Cutting the Ball

Photo on 1-25-15 at 1.31 PM #2.jpg
Photo on 1-25-15 at 1.32 PM.jpg

All you do is find the longest stretch of straight white line on the ball and saw along the line after a while stab your knife through the white line and saw down the straight line.

How to Open

Photo on 1-25-15 at 1.32 PM #2.jpg

To open it you have to put you thumb and your index finger either side of where you cut and squeeze as I am doing in the photo.