"Project Nine - RX"

Check my Sipriani Rifle V2 too!
Here it is!
My mysterious, new, Project Nine Reversed C-Bow!
Range is about 60 to 70 ft!
It functions great and looks as it works, fantastic!
This idea for a reversed crossbow started about 6 months ago...
I already had a Project Nine lying around but it was ugly, it failed to work sometimes, and the handle wasn't anywhere near comfy.
This one is the best version yet!
Heres some pro's and no's:
-Crazy Range
-Looks great
-One or two handed use
-Small for it's power
Sights are only accurate at a small range (10 ft)
You likey?
Lets get to building then, shall we?
Here it is!
My mysterious, new, Project Nine Reversed C-Bow!
Range is about 60 to 70 ft!
It functions great and looks as it works, fantastic!
This idea for a reversed crossbow started about 6 months ago...
I already had a Project Nine lying around but it was ugly, it failed to work sometimes, and the handle wasn't anywhere near comfy.
This one is the best version yet!
Heres some pro's and no's:
-Crazy Range
-Looks great
-One or two handed use
-Small for it's power
Sights are only accurate at a small range (10 ft)
You likey?
Lets get to building then, shall we?

This part is needed since the trigger is stuck to the handle, so build it!
Build it once.
Build it once.
Supportive Parts

These are needed for added strength,
Making it more durable.
Making it more durable.

This one is just for looks.
Not needed for added strength or something.
Not needed for added strength or something.

The thing that holds the bullet in place before you want to shoot it.
Bow (1)

Part 1 of the bow.
Build it once.
Build it once.
Bow (2)

Part 2 of the bow.
Build it once.
Assembly of 1 and 2 is shown in Step "Assembly".
Build it once.
Assembly of 1 and 2 is shown in Step "Assembly".
Barrel (1)

Front of the barrel.
Build it once.
Build it once.
Barrel (2)

Back of the barrel.
Build it once.
Build it once.
Supportive Parts (2)

These are for added strength.
Build it twice.
Build it twice.
The Rubberbands

These are the best ones for the job.
Get these and it will function perfectly.
You can use other RB's but it will function the best with these.
Get these and it will function perfectly.
You can use other RB's but it will function the best with these.

Having Trouble?
Ask you're question in a comment and maybe i can help you.
Ask you're question in a comment and maybe i can help you.
Rubberband Emplacement

Having Trouble?
Ask your problem in a question and maybe i can help you.
Ask your problem in a question and maybe i can help you.
You're Done!!!

Well, you've built yourself "Project Nine - RX".
Have freaking much fun with my reversed knex crossbow!
Have freaking much fun with my reversed knex crossbow!