Author: Muhammad Adeel Ijaz Email: Twitter: LinkedIn: ======================================================== Texas Instruments EK-TM4C123GXL 12-Hour Digital Clock:- ======================================================== This is a breadboard based project by which we can make a 12-hour digital clock with Cortex-M4 and 16x2 LCD screen. We can also set and modify the time with the help of two toggle switches. The two toggle switches are used to control Hours and Minutes. This project don't require any timing peripheral. =============== Requirements:- =============== 1- Texas Instruments EK-TM4C123GXL 2- Potentiometer (eg 5K) 3- LCD 16x2 4- Two Toggle Switches (3-Pins) 5- LM Flash Programmer (software on PC) =========== Pin-outs:- =========== ==================================== TM4C123GXL || LCD ==================================== VBUS VDD or VCC GND VSS PB4 RS GND RW PE5 E PE4 D4 PB1 D5 PB0 D6 PB5 D7 +3.3V A GND K ==================================== TM4C123GXL || Potentiometer ==================================== VBUS 1st pin GND 3rd pin ==================================== Potentiometer || LCD ==================================== 2nd pin Vo => You can set contrast using Potentiometer ===================================== TM4C123GXL || Toggle Switch 1 ===================================== VBUS 1st pin GND 3rd pin PA5 2nd pin ===================================== TM4C123GXL || Toggle Switch 2 ===================================== VBUS 1st pin GND 3rd pin PA6 2nd pin =====================================