set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "notepad" WScript.Sleep 2000 oShell.SendKeys "% x" WScript.Sleep 3000 shell.SendKeys" Sweetheart," WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"No one" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" can bring" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" so much" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" happiness" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" to my life" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" as you." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I can't imagine" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" what" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" my life" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" would" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" be" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" without you." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" " WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I want to" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" spend" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" the rest" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" of my life" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" with you." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" You have" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" given me" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" so much" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" love and encouragement" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" that" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I don’t think" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I will be" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" able to" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" return" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" all that to" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" you." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" You have been" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" lighting up" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" the dark" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" and bringing" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" joy" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" to my heart." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" When I am" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" with you" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I feel alive" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" and strong." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" If I knew" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I would" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" be falling" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" in love with an angel," WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I would have" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" searched for you" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" harder and" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" found you sooner." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" You don’t know" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" what you have" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" done to me" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" and now" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I cannot think" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" of anything" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" beyond you." WScript.Sleep 1000 WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" My day" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" starts" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" with you" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" and ends" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" with you" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" " WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"," WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" you are my world." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I not only" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys", love you" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys", but I also" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" respect you" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" and have" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" all my admiration" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" in store" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" for you." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I don't know" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" how to" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" thank GOD," WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" but all I know" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" is to love you" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" now and forever" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" and always" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" hold you" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" close to my heart." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I am truly" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" blessed to" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" have you" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" as a part" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" of my life" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" and I cannot" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" wait for the day" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" when we start" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" a new life." WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" When I say" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" 'I love you'," WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" I mean" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" every word of it." WScript.Sleep 1000 WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" Yours,lovingly" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" --Roshan" shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 shell.SendKeys" sss sss " WScript.Sleep 500 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" sssss sssss " WScript.Sleep 500 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" sssssssssssss " WScript.Sleep 500 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" sssssssssssss " WScript.Sleep 500 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" I sssssssssss you forever" WScript.Sleep 500 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" sssssssss " WScript.Sleep 500 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" sssssss " WScript.Sleep 500 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" sssss " WScript.Sleep 500 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" sss " WScript.Sleep 500 shell.SendKeys"{ENTER}" shell.SendKeys" s "