@echo off Title Calculator V0.8 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion Echo "?" For Help Echo. :loop set /a inf=1 set ans=0 set /p "input=Calculate: " if "%input:~1,9%" equ "0" set /a inf=0 if "%input:~0,1%" equ "?" ( Echo. Echo Calculator Made By Monacraft: Echo Only deals with integers, but handles single step BODMAS Echo Functions will only take input of 9 digits Echo. Echo Built in functions: Echo. Echo Standard: Echo - ? : Help Screen Echo - & : Clear Screen Echo - @ : Refers to previous answer(e.g. @+5^) Echo - $v(Equation^) : Creates variable `v` based on sum(e.g. $v1+2^) Echo - #v(Equation^) : Refers to variable `v`(e.g. #v+1^) Echo - ^^!f : Returns Factorial of `f` Echo - ~a : Triangular Sequence(Sum of `a` and all numbers below^) Echo - ^^p [newline] n : Returns `n` to the power of `p` Echo. Echo Looping: Echo - *x : Prompts `x` times multiplying all numbers entered Echo - +x : Prompts `x` times adding all numbers entered Echo. Echo Note: with looping functions inputing '0' will recursivly prompt Echo until user enters '/' where the program will display total and restart Echo Yet to enable the use of multiple variables : Expected in v1.0 Echo. goto :loop ) if "%input:~0,1%" equ "@" ( set /a ans=%prev%%input:~1,9% goto :end ) if "%input:~0,1%" equ "$" ( set /a %input:~1,1%=%input:~2,9% set /a ans=!%input:~1,1%!