@echo off title Screenbuilder color 08 echo. set/p x= Units across: echo. set/p y= Units down: title Building Screen (%x% by %y%) set/a xcount=0 set/a ycount=0 set/a num=0 set write= color 0c :Loop set/a num=%num% +1 set/a xcount=%xcount% +1 set write=%write%v%num% echo %write% if %xcount%==%x% ( echo echo %write%>>newscreen.bat set write= set/a xcount=0 set/a ycount=%ycount% +1 ) if %ycount%==%y% ( cls color 0a echo. echo. echo Open newscreen.bat in NotePad. Go to Edit\Replace and replace all v's echo with two percent signs followed by a v. Delete one % from the beginning echo of each line, and add one to the end. echo. pause exit ) goto Loop