/* =============================================================== Project: 4 Channel 5V Relay Module Author: Scott C Created: 7th Sept 2014 Arduino IDE: 1.0.5 Website: http://arduinobasics.blogspot.com.au Description: Explore the difference between NC and NO terminals. ================================================================== */ /* Connect 5V on Arduino to VCC on Relay Module Connect GND on Arduino to GND on Relay Module Connect GND on Arduino to the Common Terminal (middle terminal) on Relay Module. */ #define CH1 8 // Connect Digital Pin 8 on Arduino to CH1 on Relay Module #define CH3 7 // Connect Digital Pin 7 on Arduino to CH3 on Relay Module #define LEDgreen 4 //Connect Digital Pin 4 on Arduino to Green LED (+ 330 ohm resistor) and then to "NO" terminal on relay module #define LEDyellow 12 //Connect Digital Pin 12 on Arduino to Yellow LED (+ 330 ohm resistor) and then to "NC" terminal on relay module void setup(){ //Setup all the Arduino Pins pinMode(CH1, OUTPUT); pinMode(CH3, OUTPUT); pinMode(LEDgreen, OUTPUT); pinMode(LEDyellow, OUTPUT); //Provide power to both LEDs digitalWrite(LEDgreen, HIGH); digitalWrite(LEDyellow, HIGH); //Turn OFF any power to the Relay channels digitalWrite(CH1,LOW); digitalWrite(CH3,LOW); delay(2000); //Wait 2 seconds before starting sequence } void loop(){ digitalWrite(CH1, HIGH); //Green LED on, Yellow LED off delay(1000); digitalWrite(CH1, LOW); //Yellow LED on, Green LED off delay(1000); digitalWrite(CH3, HIGH); //Relay 3 switches to NO delay(1000); digitalWrite(CH3,LOW); //Relay 3 switches to NC delay(1000); }