README for ESP8266 Wifi Module of the box Summary: This module contains a wifi antena and also a microprocesor. This module is known to be the cheapest in the market as well as powerfull. Its original firmware is based on at commands, but thanks to the comunnity support at git-hub a library has been developed to easily implement this module through arduino console. We recommend to check it out at git-hub. We set the ssid: "celab" password: "rootroot" The connection was made using mqtt protocol sending data from a serial input sent form the internal arduino mega of the box. The connection was set to server @: "" port: "1883" Client was conected to: "ESP_Microscope" When connection is stablished a succses mesaje was logged @: /box/log then client conects to @: /tab/send/box/openclose When serial stream was available, it reads 7 digits separated by colons. The first two was read individually and set to publish @:/box/send/server/hum and @:/box/send/server/temp Then next five were sent to the same topic with same configuration separated by colons since they represent analog values of the lines of switches pressed by the plaques stored in the box. This publishes the values@:/box/send/server/slides To open door, ESP GPIO 0 is set as output which will set to high for 1 second if a 1 is sent to the subscribed topic.