clc; clear all; %Customize graph figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]); whitebg('black'); %Draw Scale Data th = linspace(0,pi,1000); R = 10:10:100; for i=1:length(R); x = R(i)*cos(th); y = R(i)*sin(th); plot(x,y,'Color', [0.603922 , 0.803922 , 0.196078] ,'LineWidth',1); hold on; end %Draw Axis data x0 = [0 100 0 0 0 0 ]; x1 = [0 100 86.60 50 -50 -86.60]; y0 = [0 0 0 0 0 0]; y1 = [100 0 50 86.60 86.60 50]; for i=1:length(x0); hold on; plot([x0(i),x1(i)],[y0(i),y1(i)] ,'Color', [0.603922 , 0.803922 , 0.196078],'LineWidth',2); end %Draw Sonar default data for i=1:180 hold on; [x, y] = pol2cart(i*0.0174532925, 100); h(i) = plot([0,x],[0,y],'g','LineWidth',1); end %define serial port s1 = serial('COM3'); s1.BaudRate=9600; delete(s1) clear s1 % now connect the device again, the following will now be successful: s1= serial('COM3'); fopen(s1); %Draw Sonar Data while(1) data = fscanf(s1); [th, r] = strtok(data); th = real(str2num(th)); r = str2num(r); set(h(th),'color','r'); [x0, y0] = pol2cart(th*0.0174532925, 100); [x, y] = pol2cart(th*0.0174532925, r); set(h(th),'XData',[x0,x]); set(h(th),'YData',[y0,y]); m = plot([0,x0],[0,y0],'r','LineWidth',3); drawnow delete(m); end