Motivation for this Instructables project + extra ambitions As mentioned at the intro on the main instructables-page, the main motivation for me to undertake this project is environmental degredation, overcomplexity of life and human suffering. With trips made to the developing world (eg Senegal), I have seen that entire beaches have been changed to become garbage fields filled with plastics and other chemical substances made by our "society". In addition, I saw first-hand that many people in the developing world are starving and are forced to eating tree bark and/or saving their breadcrumbs from the table after they finished their meal. I have been quite sickened by this, especially as our supermarkets are throwing away most of their foodstuffs, and as animal-derived foods (being heavily co2-intensive) are eaten (hereby destroying our planet and its/our support systems). Meanwhile, we do not but eat our fancy café laté and worry about what kind of money we could make in our next employment. Who's got it right and what's the right approach ? * Not the environmental organisations (who wine way to much about energy conservation while only the way on how we produce it really matters) * Not the humanitarian organisations (who advocate against free international trade, which would worsen things tremendously) * Nor the poor (which continue to have high fertility rates, and make public dumps of their natural heritage) - Nor the development workers (which are too lacks/forgiving in the matters noted above and set no requirements in these fields) * or the general public (who are the biggest wrong-doers and only pollute and/or do nothing at all to improve things) As such, people that are thinking in the way we do stand rather alone, belonging to no side at all and needing to come together to express our beliefs. My ultimate ambition with this instructable is doing exactly that, sensibilising and putting people into action so that we can make a network of new "Drop Cities/Manara Nueva's" springing up and connecting to a web that spans troughout the world. This web I would create is already more or less being created by various groups (dough they are not yet all connected fully) and is detailed at In my vision, each community member would be a little 'civil disobedient' (like in Ghandi's-movement) and refuse to go along with our present society, buying chemicals and packaged food from supermarkets, ... Community-members would help out each other, providing one another shelter, education/information (on survival techniques, self-sufficciency, life support systems, ...), high-nutrition foods (see whatyoucandomore-text), internet connection, or cooperation on environmental (and sometimes also personally beneficial) projects. Another ambition for me to get this community started would be to get people ready for helping out to set up environmental microgeneration, food production and water collection systems for other people so that a quick/overnight change of society may be done. A quick, overnight change seems lately the only option as things have been carrying on way too long and increased storms/changing weather patterns are already occuring. This threat is calling for technically savvy-people, especially as we may be working in the dark (power outtages) or in the midst of heightening tensions. As such, putting in place a strong and capable community is probably one of the most sensible things we might undertake. Fine for us, but What should the poor do then; they have not much options? As mentioned they have are atleast part of the problem themselves and are still worsoning their situation by having high birth numbers. In to adress the problem of the WTO-world trade they should think out good ideas instead and commercially exploit them, rather than just "following the crowd" (eg by producing again more coffee when there is already so much coffee being grown). Any talk within the world social forum about dismissing the WTO completely is gibberish and would actually do more harm then good (they are all things considered also but a small group and the rules do allot of good for the biggest percentage of the world population aswell as the economy) PS: See the , , and link for more information on my main idea on setting up the community. Also read trough "The Okinawa program"; chapter 9 about the healing web (of which our meeting of friends/moai would be part of) Note that the community-members would also be able to help each other (see practical cooperation you may do at the WhatYouCanDoMore.txt-file)