First, you have to open up a notepad and save it as "gamename.bat". Now, you always have to start it out with "@echo off" You also need to know that batch is a command line language, just a set of commands that the computer runs. Now, make the first label. A label is like a screen. :MAIN should be the first. Labels always start with a colon and are in uppercase letters, like :LABEL1 or :LABEL2 :THESE_CANT_HAVE_SPACES_EITHER echo is used to dislpay text on that line: echo hello world! To change from one label to another, use the "goto LABELNAME_WITHOUT_THE_COLON: The pause command is sometimes used, it displays "Press any key to continue" and when the user gives a keystroke it continues set variablename=variablevalue is used to create variables. To view a variable, put %variablename% set booleanname=0" is used for things called "boolean values". They're like true or false things, where 0 means false and 1 means true. You can also make other value keys if you want to. This is the same as setting a variable, and read on for how to check a boolean's value for true/false results. The if command is used to check boolean values, put: if %booleanname%==0 goto LABEL_NAME o or it could be if %booleanname%==1 goto LABEL_NAME This also works for checking variables. To do math, it gets a little more complex. Here is an example (I also had to set the variable, thats what the "set one=1 is, but after this command it will equal 2) (and also, this can be used to change boolean variables): set one=1 set /a one=%one%+1 You can also use (instead of +) -, / or *. You can compare things by using LSS (less than), GTR(greater than), EQU (equal too), NEQ(not equal too), LEQ (less than or equal too) and GEQ (Greater than or equal too) To set take user input, you would use: set /p input= And to set user input to a variable, use this: set /p variablename= The exit command does just that, it exits. For comments, put :: "cls" will clear the screen.