import Adafruit_CharLCD as LCD import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time from openalpr import Alpr import sys import cv2 from datetime import datetime import os button = 2 GPIO.setup(button,GPIO.IN) # Raspberry Pi pin configuration: lcd_rs = 21 # Note this might need to be changed to 21 for older revision Pi's. lcd_en = 20 lcd_d4 = 16 lcd_d5 = 12 lcd_d6 = 7 lcd_d7 = 8 # Define LCD column and row size for 16x2 LCD. lcd_columns = 16 lcd_rows = 2 lcd = LCD.Adafruit_CharLCD(lcd_rs, lcd_en, lcd_d4, lcd_d5, lcd_d6, lcd_d7, lcd_columns, lcd_rows) plate_detected = False alpr = Alpr("eu", "/home/pi/openalpr/src/build/config/openalpr.conf", "/home/pi/openalpr/runtime_data") alpr.set_top_n(20) alpr.set_default_region("md") reset = True while reset == True: lcd.set_backlight(0) lcd.clear() print "Automatic Number Plate Detection" lcd.message(' Raspberry pi\n Based ') time.sleep(2) lcd.clear() lcd.message('Automatic Number\nPlate Detection') time.sleep(3) lcd.clear() lcd.message('Searching for\nCamera') print "Searching for Camera" time.sleep(2) camera=cv2.VideoCapture(0) if not camera.isOpened(): main = False print "can't open the camera" lcd.clear() lcd.message('Error:Camera not\nFound') time.sleep(2) lcd.clear() lcd.message('Connect Camera &\npress reset') while GPIO.input(button) == True: None else: main = True print "camera found" lcd.clear() lcd.message('Found Camera') time.sleep(2) while True: ret, frame = results = alpr.recognize_file(frame) i = 0 for plate in results['results']: i += 1 for candidate in plate['candidates']: prefix = "-" if candidate['matches_template']: prefix = "*" plate_detected = True break if plate_detected: lcd.clear() lcd.message('license plate \nno. is '+ candidate['plate'] ) plate_detected = False else: lcd.clear() lcd.message('Plate not detected..') if GPIO.input(button) == False: camera.release() break