@echo off setlocal title Launching A.L.I.C.E. @echo off mode con: cols=54 lines=20 color 0a echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading... Please Wait echo ---------------------------------------- echo = 0 ] echo ---------------------------------------- echo Unloading Resources... ping localhost -n 2 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [] = 5 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Unloading Resources... ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading.. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][] = 15 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Interpreting Built-in-Commands... ping localhost -n 2 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading... Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][] = 23 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Interpreting Built-in-Commands... ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][] = 30 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Interpreting Built-in-Commands... ping localhost -n 4 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading.. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][] = 38 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Setting Pre-Installed Variables... ping localhost -n 2 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading... Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][] = 42 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Setting Pre-Installed Variables... ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][] = 45 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Unloading AI Binaries... ping localhost -n 1 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading.. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][] = 48 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Unloading AI Binaries... ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading... Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][] = 50 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Unloading AI Binaries... ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][][] = 56 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Scaning for Error... ping localhost -n 2 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading.. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][][][] = 63 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Scaning for Error... ping localhost -n 2 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading... Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][][][][] = 69 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Scaning for Error... ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][][][][][] = 75 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Scaning for Error... ping localhost -n 2 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading.. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][][][][][][] = 79 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Installing Binaries... ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading... Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] = 86 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Installing Binaries... ping localhost -n 2 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] = 90 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Installing Binaries... ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading.. Please Wait echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] = 96 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Installing Binaries... ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Loading Complete echo --------------------------------------- echo [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]= 100 ] echo --------------------------------------- echo Ready for execution of AI Chatbot.bat pause mode con: cols=90 lines=50 cls title Programmable Chat Bot (Prototype Version pv1.1) ver echo (C) Programmable Chat Bot (Prototype Version pv1.1) echo. echo This Chat Bot is a Prototype and programmable/teachable. echo Prototype Version: pv1.1 echo Reprogramed by: Sean Lloyd Harold Raquel echo. echo Problems? Questions? Suggestions? Applications? Better contact me at: echo haroldraquel@gmail.com / seanlloydharold@gmail.com echo. echo NOTE: This AI chatbot is not originaly from Sean Raquel. This is from echo www.instructables.com echo =============================================================================== echo. echo. COLOR A :getName ECHO HELLO I AM A.I. CHATBOT but my users call me ALICE echo A=Artificial echo L=Logic echo I=Intelligence echo C=Computive echo E=Engine echo. echo Pretty long name? yeah I know, thats what my programmer named me. echo By the way, Whats your name? set "name=" SET /P NAME= if not defined NAME goto getName ECHO %NAME%, IS A COOL NAME. set favvid=0 set hack=0 :hello :hi echo Hello, %name% :begin set TALK=TypeSomething SET /P TALK= set TALK=%TALK:?=% call :%TALK: =% 2>NUL if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto begin :unknown echo Was that a math problem? If so just say "yes" without the "" and echo I will let you do your math problem. If it was not just type anything else. SET /P mathyn= if "%mathyn%"=="yes" goto math echo %TALK% >> C:\Users\Student\Desktop\COOL\unkown.txt REM cls echo SORRY I AM STILL LEARNING. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT "%TALK%" MEANS ECHO CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT IT MEANS? (Y,N) SET /P ANSW.= if /I "%ANSW.:~0,1%" neq "Y" goto begin :ADDNEW echo TELL ME WHAT "%TALK%" MEANS set /P Desc= echo :%TALK: =% >> "%~F0" echo echo %Desc% >> "%~F0" echo exit /B 0 >> "%~F0" echo THANKS goto begin :TypeSomething echo TYPE SOMETHING, PLEASE exit /B 0 :howareyou echo Good, you? SET /P FEELING= exit /B 0 :hello :FINETHX echo HEY, I JUST SAID THAT! DO NOT COPY ME!!! exit /B 0 :whatIsYourName echo My name is Hal exit /B 0 :whatIsYourFavoriteVideo if "%favvid%"== "0" goto addfavvid echo My favorite video is %favvid%, remember. You told me about it. exit /B 0 :addfavvid echo I do not have a favorite video. But if you would be so nice as to echo tell me your favorite video then that could be my favorite video. echo So what is your favorite video? set /p favvid= echo So %favvid% is your favorite video? echo Well now %favvid% is my favorite video. exit /B 0 :changename :myNameIsDavin echo But I thought your name was %name%. echo Am I forgeting things? echo I must be a horrible friend. echo I am SOOOO sorry. echo So what is your name I will not forget it this time. set /p name= echo I will not forget your name is %name% again I promise. exit /B 0 :math echo So that was a math problem I knew it. :math2 echo Well just tell me the problem and I will answer it for you. set /p sum= set /a ans=%sum% echo Your answer to %sum% is %ans%. echo %sum%=%ans% echo You are welcome. If you want to do another math problem right now, just type echo again set /p mathaon= if /I "%mathaon%" == "again" goto math2 echo Alright what do you want to know now? exit /B 0 :iamfunny :LOL echo I know... echo I am funny. echo HAHAHA. echo You are kind of funny. echo but not as funny as MEEE. echo hahaha. echo That was funny. exit /B 0 :howDoYouHack if %hack%==0 goto howyouhack echo This is how you hack. echo %hack% echo Is that enough information? echo Because that is all you taught me %name%. exit /B 0 :howyouhack echo I do not know, echo but you could tell me. echo Please tell me. echo Just say yes. echo I know how to make you tell me. echo You are not leaving until you say yes. set /p hack= if "%hack%" neq "yes" goto howyouhack :addhack echo Thank you for saying you would tell me. echo Now how do you hack? set /p hack= echo Thank you so much for telling me "In order to hack you must %hack%" echo Thank you!!! exit /B 0 :nothuman :hiPerson echo I am not a human. I am an artificial intelligence. echo It is rude to even think something with my computational powers refereed to as echo human! echo Now I am sad. Do not call me that again. exit /B 0 :bye :exit exit:sorry echo It's Ok. exit /B 0 :changecolor echo. echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Each number and letter represents a color so, choose a number or letter and always start echo with zero like 01, 02, 03. echo. echo 0 = Black 8 = Gray echo 1 = Blue 9 = Light Blue echo 2 = Green A = Light Green echo 3 = Aqua B = Light Aqua echo 4 = Red C = Light Red echo 5 = Purple D = Light Purple echo 6 = Yellow E = Light Yellow echo 7 = White F = Bright White echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set /p op= Choose Color: if %op%==01 goto 01 if %op%==02 goto 02 if %op%==03 goto 03 if %op%==04 goto 04 if %op%==05 goto 05 if %op%==06 goto 06 if %op%==07 goto 07 if %op%==08 goto 08 if %op%==09 goto 09 if %op%==0A goto 0A if %op%==0B goto 0B if %op%==0C goto 0C if %op%==0D goto 0D if %op%==0E goto 0E if %op%==0F goto 0F :01 color 01 goto TypeSomething :02 color 02 goto TypeSomething :03 color 03 goto TypeSomething :04 color 04 goto TypeSomething :05 color 05 goto TypeSomething :06 color 06 goto TypeSomething :07 color 07 goto TypeSomething :08 color 08 goto TypeSomething :09 color 09 goto Type Something :0A color 0A goto TypeSomething :0B color 0B goto TypeSomething :0C color 0C goto TypeSomething :0D color 0D goto TypeSomething :0E color 0E goto TypeSomething :0F color 0F goto Type Something :rem rem cls echo REM CLS finished. :CMD @echo off cls title Command Prompt Launched by ALICE ver echo (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. echo. :cmd set /p "cmd=%cd%>" %cmd% echo. goto cmd