WEBCAM mjpg streamer runs OK. But resolution max 640x480. ffmpeg to make video does not run no math processor. opkg update opkg install kmod-video-core kmod-video-uvc mjpg-streamer Mjpg-streamer with Logitech C250 USB camera works, but does not automatically start after router is switched on. Need to unplug camera and plug back. So I monitor if in "ps" it is not running then start it. Camera resolution could not get larger than 640x480 with Logitech C510 that gives HD in Debian. Tried another camera Logitech C270 that works HD fine. ################################################## #Checks if mpg streamer is running put in crontab ################################################## if ps -ef |grep mjpg |grep -v grep; then echo "mjpeg is running all OK" else echo "mjpeg is not running, starting" mjpg_streamer \ -i " \ -d /dev/video0 -f 4 -y -n " \ -o " -w /www/webcam" fi =============================================================== webcam get and upload pic to ftp server =============================================================== cd /www/webcam rm ?action\=snapshot* wget http://localhost:8080/?action=snapshot cp ?action\=snapshot* wrt160.jpg if ps -ef |grep lftp |grep -v grep; then killall lftp fi lftp << EOF open user janis xxxxx cd webcamwrt160 put wrt160.jpg quit EOF rm wrt160.jpg =============================================================== ###################################################################### #Copy cam.jpg to a folder on router assigning date+time as new name #keep only limited number of files=100, delete oldest #-------------------------------------------------------------- fil=$(date +"%Y.%m.%d_%T") fil=$fil".jpg" mv cam.jpg old/$fil cd /www/webcam/old x=1 for i in *jpg do x=$(($x+1)) done d=$(($x-100)) echo "will be removed "$d "files" x=1 while [ $x -le $d ] do echo "removed $x" x=$(( $x + 1 )) rm $(ls | head -1) done