Playing Card Wallet

This isnt a really good instructable but i hope you like it and this is my first one so please comment!!
What Youll Need.
Sorry i don't have any pics!
1.Clear packaging tape
2.Playing cards duh:-)
3 . Scisors or something to cut tape with
1.Clear packaging tape
2.Playing cards duh:-)
3 . Scisors or something to cut tape with
How You Make It

1) Find three playing cards you like. Lay them about 1/4 inch apart side-by-side with the faces towards you.
2) Tape the three cards together with clear packing tape.
3) Repeat this process to make another set of three playing cards.
4) Lay the two sets of cards beside each other (so that the cards make a 3 x 2 rectangle) with the faces towards you.
5) Connect the two pieces with clear packing tape.
6) Turn the cards over, and cover any sticky parts with tape (sticky part to sticky part).
7) Turn the cards over again, and fold the cards toward each other, so that the faces are pointing outwards.
8) Tape the two shorts sides together.
9) Three of the four sides should now be joined together. Your wallet is now complete, put your money in, fold it up, and put it in your pocket.
Im not sure how to make pockets so your on your own there bcuse im only 11
2) Tape the three cards together with clear packing tape.
3) Repeat this process to make another set of three playing cards.
4) Lay the two sets of cards beside each other (so that the cards make a 3 x 2 rectangle) with the faces towards you.
5) Connect the two pieces with clear packing tape.
6) Turn the cards over, and cover any sticky parts with tape (sticky part to sticky part).
7) Turn the cards over again, and fold the cards toward each other, so that the faces are pointing outwards.
8) Tape the two shorts sides together.
9) Three of the four sides should now be joined together. Your wallet is now complete, put your money in, fold it up, and put it in your pocket.
Im not sure how to make pockets so your on your own there bcuse im only 11