Camping Projects
IKEA HACK with children spoons
Camp cooking the easy way - In ground roast
tin can BBQ
Backpacking Toothpaste/Tooth Powder
How To Split Wood
insulated camelback protector
Do-It-Yourself Dry Toilet 2.Take your seats please! Toilettes seches.Fabricacion de sanitario seco
Ruggedizing and bug-proofing a window air conditioner for tent camping
Cheap Homemade Rainproof Backpack Cover (That Also Saves the Planet)
Ferrocerium Incendiary Targets
Build Your Own Geocache Waterproof Tube Container
How to repair tent pole elastic cord (Re-thread) - The Easy Way
Ultimate Camp Box
how to keep warm in winter
shoebox solar oven
Pocket Chainsaw
Hands Free Walking Stick
Wee-proof sleeping bag protector for little campers
"Professional" Marshmallow Forks
Snake & Small Animal Restraining Device
composted grass
Waterproof Firestarting Case
Recycled Fish Box Cooler / Cool Box
How to properly pack your pack in preperation for an amazing backpacking trip
Solar Powered Illuminated Saftey Cone
1 Person Tarp Tent
DIY CLOTHES PEGS (recycled, easy, fast)
Home Made Bear Keg
Inflatable Bed to Stand-Up Paddle Board Pump Adapter
Best Penny Stove with Built in Primer!!!
What's in my Backpack
Teardrop Trailer
Backpacking Food Bars 2.0
How to Make a Cotton Ball Fire Starter
Buck Trout and Bird Knife
Make a Wood Carrier that's a Cinch
How to set an Eyelet (grommet)
Tactical Multitool
Making a relatively cheap still (for distilling water(for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!))
My prototype folding camp saw.
Excali-weenie, Slayer of Burnt Hot Dogs, Bane of All Over-Roasted Marshmallows!
Small wood burning tent stove
$20 Fish Smoker Attachment for Alcohol Camping Stove
Cotton Wool Ball and Petroleum Jelly Firestarters
12 volt air conditioner
Firestarter (my version)
Fishing pole tent revisited.
Pot Belly Stove / Outdoor Wood Heater
The Hotmail Heater, prepper bug out off the grid heat and hot water
Extreme Wilderness Bunker!
Multi-use fishing pole idea.
Paint can gasifer
The Ultimate Tarp Survival Shelter/Backpacking Tent
Soda Can Stove
The Amazing Cotton Ball Fire Starters
Dividers for stacking storage boxes
Convert Your Truck into a Camper
How to Safely Catch a Snake
Snake Tube