Nite Finder Ar Removal Mod!

by sawblade25 in Outside > Launchers

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Nite Finder Ar Removal Mod!

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this is a great way to mod a nitefinder and remove the air restictor without having to cut, saw, break, or damage the barrel, especially if you have a glued barrel. This is my first instuctable so bear with me.


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this one's easy, just unscrew all the the screws ,but keep track of the sizes.

Getting to the Barrel

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unscrew the barrel from the gun by taking out the 2 screws that hold it in. then take the barrel pullout the pull-cock portion and look down the back. you should an obstruction.

ALERT: you must not lose this piece otherwise the batteries cannot go in and the light will be useless. See picture

Bash Bash

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you have to get that big circle out and the smaller circle behind it out as well. when you take out the small circle, leave some of the legs to keep the dart from going all the way back into the barrel. see picture.

Now bash those circles out with a screwdriver, or cut them out if you have a freakishly long pair of pliers.

Optional Mod

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just mentioning, while your in here, you can add a better spring if you want to. just unscrew the screw on the pullcock piece and switch the springs (My research shows that a 24lb. compression spring works best! They got 'em @ Home Depot.) and screw it back on. Done.

Puttin' It All Back Together

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this step sounds easy and if didn't replace the spring, it is. If you did it's going to be a pain in the neck to get the barrrel back in ,but don't give up on it. Then just screw the 2 panels back together and your done.