Multi-wood Bowtie

Over the summer I saw several instructables for wooden bow ties so I decided to make my own with a few adjustments. Hope you enjoy it.
Materials/ Tools
Two or more woods of your choice (I would suggest contrasting colors)
Wood glue
Ribbon or string
Clip (optional)
Band saw (or scroll saw)
Dremel tool
Prepping the Blanks

First step is to cut the different woods into strips (I used rosewood and maple)
Then set them in the correct shape ( I only made enough for the one piece but ideally I'd make a much larger piece and use it for several projects)

Next glue the pieces together and make sure it to glue all sides equally so the pieces don't slide.
*side note: I went with a diagonal pattern but if you don't have to much experience with woodworking a horizontal pattern would be easier or even a solid piece would work well

First cut out the main shape then mark the center and start the initial shaping by making the main grooves.
Once you have the main grooves start to smooth them out and make it look more like an actual bow tie.
*side note: the thinner the better otherwise it'll sag because of the weight

Finish it with polyurethane (or whatever finisher you like best as long as it fully seals the wood) then fix a ribbon or string to the back either with screws or epoxy. Then attach the clip or clasp and enjoy. Hope you liked my instructable and let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you and God bless!