Electronics Engineer | Always in the phase of continuous learning
IoT: Visualizing Light Sensor Data Using Node-RED
1.8K Views, 0 Favorites
A Simple Guessing Game - Python + XBees + Arduino
739 Views, 1 Favorites
Reading Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) Data on a 128×128 LCD and Visualizing It Using Matplotlib
1.4K Views, 2 Favorites
Visualizing Ambient Light Sensor (OPT3001) Data Using Matplotlib + MSP432 LaunchPad
1.3K Views, 3 Favorites
Plotting Live Data of a Temperature Sensor (TMP006) Using MSP432 LaunchPad and Python
2.0K Views, 3 Favorites
Using Python (pySerial) to Control an RGB LED on a MSP432 LaunchPad
2.5K Views, 4 Favorites
XBEEs + Python (pySerial) + Arduino + DC Motor
1.2K Views, 1 Favorites
Python (pySerial) + Arduino + DC Motor
12K Views, 7 Favorites