

Joined January 2nd, 2009
68 Instructables   464,851 Views   100 Comments   252 Followers

rabbitcreek's Instructables

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100+ Comments

Earned a bronze medal

10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

10+ Featured Instructable

Earned a silver medal

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Clocks Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Anything Goes Contest 2021

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Microcontroller Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the PCB Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Battery Powered Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Bikes Challenge

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Audio Challenge 2020

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the 3D Printed Contest

Contest Winner

Third Prize in the Outside Contest 2017

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Solar Contest 2017

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Green Electronics Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Make Noise Challenge