Twitter: @mindsforge
MSP430 Accelerometer MicroSD Datalogger
11K Views, 26 Favorites
How to Make a Filiberto's Post Card
1.2K Views, 0 Favorites
Homebrew C64 "Paddle" Box
14K Views, 15 Favorites
LED Floaties: That Float Away!
68K Views, 184 Favorites
Growing Mushrooms: PF Tek
668K Views, 410 Favorites
Using OpenCV 1.0 With Python 2.5 in Windows XP
23K Views, 15 Favorites
Photograph to Stencil
122K Views, 450 Favorites
Poor Man's Paperclip Lockpicks
261K Views, 407 Favorites
Duplicate Keys by Hand
164K Views, 147 Favorites
Pay-per-Copy Machine Exploit
111K Views, 55 Favorites
Ps2link Tutorial (REQUIRES MODCHIP)
93K Views, 56 Favorites
Solar Bike Light
34K Views, 52 Favorites
Tesla Coil: Secondary Coil
22K Views, 30 Favorites
Hard Drive Recovery From a Full Stop
68K Views, 70 Favorites