

Joined February 25th, 2014
36 Instructables   1,206,774 Views   636 Comments   631 Followers

manuelmasc's Instructables

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500+ Comments

Earned a silver medal

1M+ Views

Earned a silver medal

10+ Featured Instructable

Earned a silver medal

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Plastics Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Reclaimed Contest 2017

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Wooden Toys Challenge 2016

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Amps and Speakers Contest 2016

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Bicycle Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Make it Move Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Shelving Contest

Contest Winner

Third Prize in the Pallet Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Things That Fly Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Hiding Places Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Rubber Bands Challenge

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the squeeze more awesome out of summer contest