Wheelchair Seat Warmer - the Easy Way
198 Views, 2 Favorites
Hand Warmer for Wheelchair User
508 Views, 0 Favorites
Wheelchair Bracket
3.3K Views, 23 Favorites
Alexa Enabled Elevator Button
3.0K Views, 0 Favorites
The Amazing Zipper Pants
1.8K Views, 0 Favorites
Carbon Fiber Heated Liner
2.3K Views, 9 Favorites
Alexa Controlled Solenoid Using WEMO D1 Mini
9.5K Views, 11 Favorites
Alexa Enabled Remote Control (using WEMO D1 Mini)
5.0K Views, 2 Favorites
Adaptive Jacket Modification
1.6K Views, 0 Favorites
DIY BiPap Mask From a Wisp
3.3K Views, 4 Favorites
Voice Activated Remote Control Button
3.4K Views, 17 Favorites
Voice Activated Accessible Shelf
4.4K Views, 39 Favorites
Above Ground Pool Lift
21K Views, 63 Favorites
Accessible Scooter With Putt-putt Attachment
3.3K Views, 18 Favorites
How to Build Your Own PVC Walker
69K Views, 72 Favorites