Tracking Solar Cooker Project 2023 and 2024. Solar Cooked Soil, Mulch, Weed Soup, a New Approach in Gardening! (Now With Image Notes!)
586 Views, 4 Favorites
Airlift Pump Powered Waterwheel Winch! Low Tech Dollar Store Alternative to Small Electric Motors
197 Views, 0 Favorites
Proof of Concept. Pneumatic Timer for Tracking Solar Panels and for Moving Greenhouse Curtains.
534 Views, 0 Favorites
Temporarily Convert a "high Tunnel" Greenhouse to "Chinese Solar Greenhouse" for the Winter to Extend Your Season! and Use Less Heating Fuel.
540 Views, 4 Favorites
Experimental Greenhouse, Automatic Watering, With Heatsink, Community Input Needed.
777 Views, 3 Favorites
Trompe and Airlift Pump Model for Schools
2.9K Views, 6 Favorites
DIY Constriction Airlift Pumps
12K Views, 16 Favorites
Water Flea Water Filter for Fishpond!
1.6K Views, 5 Favorites
Automatic Compost Tea Brewery
2.4K Views, 15 Favorites
Do Forests "make" Rain and Can We Prove It or Not? the Biotic Pump.
2.2K Views, 3 Favorites
Microgrid! the Backyard Pneumatic Grid Project
14K Views, 162 Favorites
How to Use a Hammer Drill to Vibrate Concrete to Get Rid of Air Bubbles
18K Views, 21 Favorites
Make a Secret Compartment in Any Retaining Wall
2.0K Views, 16 Favorites
"Delta" Solar Heat Collector and Soil Warmer for the Greenhouse
4.3K Views, 23 Favorites
Modular "Lungfish" Ebb and Flow Hydroponics or Aquaponics Systems. Easier?
8.5K Views, 48 Favorites
Simplest Ebb and Flow Hydroponics System EVER! Modular, Powered by Air Pump.
5.1K Views, 32 Favorites
Compressed Air Operated Switch for 2 New Air Powered Hydroponic Systems.
1.4K Views, 6 Favorites
How to Reclaim Pallet Wood for Reuse, Without Breaking the Boards.
22K Views, 154 Favorites
New "airlift in a Bucket" Fountain or Irrigation Technique! Run Several Fountains From 1 Pump
4.7K Views, 25 Favorites
New "Flip Flop" Irrigation! Collects Solar Heat, Integrated Bird Scare, Kinetic Sculpture Too!
1.3K Views, 5 Favorites
Vertical Pallet Planter With Automatic Water Cycling. No Watering!
17K Views, 59 Favorites
Use a Variable Speed Angle Grinder As Cutter AND Rotator! for Wood Lathe Alternative!!! (now on Makerprojects Too)
2.9K Views, 16 Favorites
Low Tech Irrigation From a Rainbarrel. Barrel of Water Can Last a Week or More.
5.8K Views, 31 Favorites
TCMtech Dripper Irrigation With Float Control Demonstration of How Simple It Works.
1.3K Views, 14 Favorites
Grinding Up Pears for Perry (pear Cider)
1.8K Views, 12 Favorites
Simple Solar Fruit Drier. Will It Work?
1.1K Views, 4 Favorites
Dripper Irrigation. This Led to "tcmtech Dripper Irrigation". Check It Out Instead. It Is Better!
3.4K Views, 13 Favorites
70% More Solar Collection? Newest Dripper Tracker Design to Rotate Solar Panels on Equatorial Mount.
4.7K Views, 15 Favorites
Pallet Garden Reference Design! Combined With Vertical Gardening and Water Recycling!
11K Views, 84 Favorites
Vortex Power Plant : Demo and Solar Panel Direct Drives Bilge Pump (No Battery!)
4.2K Views, 29 Favorites
Use Stellarium (software) to Aim Solar Cookers.
1.4K Views, 8 Favorites
Designing and Siting Your Lean to Greenhouse (Not As Simple As It Sounds!)
5.7K Views, 13 Favorites
Design Your Greenhouse! Lean-away IS BETTER Than Lean-to! This Will Surprise You!
59K Views, 119 Favorites
Powerful Digital Microscope on the Cheap!
11K Views, 26 Favorites
Using a Cheap Webcam to Convert an Optical Microscope Into a Digital Microscope.
6.9K Views, 21 Favorites
Cone Solar Cooker With 3 Point Linkage Using Old Junk From Bed and Office Chair.
2.0K Views, 7 Favorites
How High Can a Fishtank Air Pump Pump Water?
29K Views, 29 Favorites
Horizontal Trough Collector for Solar Hot Air and Water.
2.7K Views, 10 Favorites
How to Mix Cob in a Wheelbarrow
19K Views, 44 Favorites
Solar Compass. Suped Up It Can Even Tell the Time!
9.2K Views, 31 Favorites
Sun Compass Video
1.6K Views, 2 Favorites
Build a Fermentation Fueled Water Pump
12K Views, 55 Favorites
The Pent Up Power of Kitchen Waste! (part of the Bio-fueled Water Pump Project)
2.0K Views, 10 Favorites
BIO FUELED Water Pump! Modular, No Moving Parts!
2.4K Views, 13 Favorites
Using the Cone Method to Make a Half Parabolic Dish From an 8 by 4 Sheet of Corrugated Plastic
5.6K Views, 11 Favorites
Make a Parabolic Solar Dish From an 8 by 4 Sheet of Plastic (without Too Much Waste)
12K Views, 12 Favorites
Dual Parabolic Dishes on Equatorial Mount (and Their Descendants)
5.4K Views, 8 Favorites
Save the Bees From Extinction! You CAN Do It.
51K Views, 162 Favorites
Make a Cob Bee Block for Solitary Bees
4.1K Views, 10 Favorites
Alternative to Scheffler Solar Kitchens
7.9K Views, 16 Favorites
Equatorial Mount for Solar Panels and Solar Cookers and a Possible Alternative to Scheffler Solar Kitchens
4.2K Views, 7 Favorites
Solar Design T-square for Designing Solar Cooker Reflectors
4.0K Views, 3 Favorites
The Solar Design T-square and a Method for Designing Reflectors for Unattended Solar Cooking
5.0K Views, 7 Favorites
The Scientific Method? It Has Its Failings, How Can We Make It Better?
3.2K Views, 5 Favorites
Using an Art of Illusion Scene File to Make, Test and Compare a Funnel Cooker With Other Solar Cookers!
2.1K Views, 1 Favorites
Wet Compost Using Yeast or Lactic Fermentation (was Sustainable Slug Beer)
19K Views, 45 Favorites
Kyoto Trough Solar Cooker Mimics a Parabolic Dish Without a Thousand Cuts!
19K Views, 19 Favorites
Vertical 2 Stage Composter and Technique for Composting Woody Plants and Thorny Material.
6.4K Views, 14 Favorites
Software for Solar Design Suggests Improvements to Reflectors.
6.3K Views, 6 Favorites
This Instructable Is Not Complete and I Am Not Currently Working on It.Heliostat Experiment and Finding True North With Equatorial Mount.
5.7K Views, 5 Favorites
Software for Solar Design. Help Improve the Explanation.
5.2K Views, 9 Favorites
2 Storey Compost Bin!
15K Views, 23 Favorites
"Compound" Parabolic Solar Cooker, Make a Template With Technical Drawing
36K Views, 23 Favorites
Making and Using a "compound" Parabolic Solar Cooker (Large Project)
46K Views, 47 Favorites
Optics Experiments on the Cheap
7.3K Views, 23 Favorites
Low Tech HELIOSTAT. How Do I Attach the Suntracker?
17K Views, 13 Favorites
Adapt a Clock Today! Cheap Trackers Boost Solar Panel and Solar Cooker Performance.
50K Views, 87 Favorites
Clock Based Solar Tracker Experiment
24K Views, 23 Favorites
DIY 2 Bucket Dripper Tracker for Solar Cookers and Solar Panels Is Cheap and It Works!
13K Views, 28 Favorites
Home Made Solar Tracking Accumulator
9.7K Views, 13 Favorites
Tracking the Sun! for the Solar Accumulating Barbecue
15K Views, 25 Favorites
Tracking Parabolic Barbecue, the Wave of the Future.
9.0K Views, 18 Favorites
Basic Tracking Solar Accumulating Barbecue
3.4K Views, 8 Favorites
Pump With No Moving Parts Uses River Power
8.4K Views, 34 Favorites
A Mould for Cardboard and Plastic Solar Cookers
9.3K Views, 15 Favorites
The Parts of the Mechanical Mathematician
5.4K Views, 13 Favorites
Pulser Pump Model. a Substitute for Lots of Fossil Fuel?
32K Views, 53 Favorites
Solar Parabolic Cooker With the Mechanical Mathematician!
40K Views, 78 Favorites