Sharing knowledge and ideas. Constantly learning!
Intel Edison and Addressable LEDs
10K Views, 31 Favorites
Internet of Ducks
5.1K Views, 17 Favorites
Programmable LED Firefly Jar
50K Views, 475 Favorites
Repurpose an Old Wifi Router for the Internet-of-things
247K Views, 1,745 Favorites
Javascript Robotics and Browser-based Arduino Control
82K Views, 120 Favorites
LED Bike / Backpack Tail Light
3.6K Views, 22 Favorites
Make Rustic Sprouted Whole-grain Pizza Dough at Home!
5.8K Views, 26 Favorites
Control RGB Lights From Android With Arduino & Bluetooth LE (BLE)
243K Views, 179 Favorites
Use a $1 ATTiny to Drive Addressable RGB LEDs
194K Views, 340 Favorites
Roast Your Own Coffee, the Easy Way!
10K Views, 30 Favorites