Joined March 17th, 201091 Instructables 1,028,718 Views 105 Comments 503 Followers
annahowardshaw's Instructables
100+ Comments
Earned a bronze medal
1M+ Views
Earned a silver medal
10+ Featured Instructable
Earned a silver medal
Contest Winner
First Prize in the 2nd Annual Krylon Summer Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Can It! Challenge
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Spring Cleaning Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Candy Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Lion Brand Yarn Build with Yarn Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Share Your Space Challenge
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Krylon Holiday Decorations Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the What Can You Do with a Dremel Tool?