

0   Joined February 3rd, 2013
49 Instructables   648,331 Views   396 Comments   607 Followers

andrei.erdei's Instructables

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100+ Comments

Earned a bronze medal

10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

10+ Featured Instructable

Earned a silver medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Making Time Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the For the Home Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Make it Glow Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Clocks Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Anything Goes Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Anything Goes Contest 2021

Contest Winner

Fourth Prize in the Made with Math Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Retro Tech Challenge

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Lamps and Lighting Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Microcontroller Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Anything Goes Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Plastic Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Remix Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Make it Move Contest 2020

Contest Winner

First Prize in the CNC Contest 2020

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Glass Speed Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Arduino Contest 2020

Contest Winner

First Prize in the 3D Printed Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the LED Strip Speed Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Clocks Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Wearables Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Made with Math Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the CNC Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Games Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Sensors Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Remix Contest