I love programming and working on projects that build things.
SpiderMan Refrigerator Magnet and Using Fusion360 to Resize Large STL 3D Files for TinkerCad
422 Views, 1 Favorites
TinkerCAD Christmas Tree With CodeBlocks
1.2K Views, 6 Favorites
Arduino With Dual Motor Tank Coded in TinkerCad Codeblocks and L293D Driver Chip
4.0K Views, 13 Favorites
Decorative Light Switch Cover
693 Views, 10 Favorites
ESP32 Scrolling WordClock on LED Matrix
5.8K Views, 21 Favorites
Persistence of Vision(POV) Glove
1.1K Views, 6 Favorites
TinkerCad and Fusion 360 to CNC a 3D Picture
12K Views, 61 Favorites
Guess My Number
6.0K Views, 9 Favorites
Light to Enhance Glass/Crystal Awards Using ATtiny85 Ws2813
1.2K Views, 5 Favorites
Infinity Clock - Arduino - WS2813 and DS3231
18K Views, 36 Favorites
ESP8266-To-LED Matrix (Look Ma No Arduino)
16K Views, 53 Favorites
WIFI Enabled LED Matrix
19K Views, 154 Favorites